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All about the Ruby programming language

Vim for Rubyists part 1 - Vim plugins, tips, tricks and tutorials. Photo by supervillain It is really exciting to be a Rubyist lately. We have our amazing tools (rake, rspec, Cucumber, Rails etc.), we write object-oriented code, that is easy to maintain and flexible when it comes to adding new features, and changing domain logic. We have amazing hosting support from Heroku, Engine Yard and Rackspace. And last, but not least, powerful monitoring tools like New Relic are ready to tell us when there are issues in our applications. Rubyists using Vim Big percentage of the Rubyists are actually using Vim.

Gary Bernhardt - Gary is the creator of Destroy all Software. Aaron Patterson (tenderlove) - Tenderlove is a Ruby and Rails core team member. Mislav Marohnić - Mislav is a software craftsman from Croatia. Twitter: @mislavDotfiles: GitHub (Your name here? Vim plugins for Ruby development Vim Ruby Vim Ruby is probably the most popular Vim plugin for Ruby development. This enables: And when you press shift + enter: Vim Rails Oh, Rails! Enhanced syntax highlighting.


Learn Ruby The Hard Way. Ruby on Rails. Documenting the Ruby Language. Ruby Programming Language.