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TheFamily. Photonic Fence | Intellectual Ventures. Malaria – a parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes – kills nearly 1 million people each year. Bed nets and insecticides have helped keep the disease in check in many parts of the world, but more tools are needed to limit contact between humans and mosquitoes. Intellectual Ventures’ photonic fence invention adds a new layer of protection by coupling low-cost camera and laser technology with software developed at Intellectual Ventures Laboratory. The device creates a virtual fence that detects insects as they cross its plane.

Once detected, the photonic fence uses the insect’s wing beat to determine if it’s a mosquito, identify if that mosquito is female (only females bite humans), and then shoot the mosquito out of the sky with a laser. Photonic fence devices could be set along the perimeter of villages or buildings to control mosquito populations without interfering with human traffic. Entrepreneuring. Infohightech. Fablab et hackerspaces. Private Equity. Outils de création d'entreprise. Web marketing. Outils web, Ress. techniques.

TIC / éducation / éduc pop. Développement professionnel. Tim Maia - Rational Culture. Why I stopped watching porn: Ran Gavrieli at TEDxJaffa 2013. Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel. Ayahuasca-ceremony-031-02.jpg (Image JPEG, 400 × 288 pixels) Connect Musicians & Fans. Music Chow - Free Music Downloads. Poliça - Warrior Lord. Image Result for.

Africa sustainability barometer

Clé USB publicitaire écologique - Objet publicitaire écologique - Cadoetik. Comment remettre l'homme au centre de la technologie : le manifeste de Jaron Lanier. « Que se passe-t-il quand nous arrêtons de façonner la technologie et que la technologie commence à nous façonner ? » C’est la question centrale qui anime le livre « You are not a gadget, a manifesto » de Jaron Lanier, publié par Alfred A.

Knopf. > Qui est Jaron Lanier ? Pionnier et père de la réalité virtuelle, classé par le Times, pour l'année 2010, parmi les 100 penseurs les plus influents au monde, Jaron Lanier a principalement travaillé sur l’interface et l’interaction entre la machine et l’homme. Musicien et artiste, il travaille depuis 2006 à Microsoft Research dans la Silicon Valley, ce qu’il explique lui-même en détails ici.

Dès la première page de son livre, Jaron Lanier annonce ses intentions : son livre est un manifeste, celui d’un témoin de l’émergence du Web et des changements radicaux qu’il a entrainé aussi bien pour le commerce, que pour la pensée, l’art ou la culture. Attention néanmoins, Jaron Lanier n’est absolument pas technophobe : > Un véritable manifeste. Zena Exotic Fruits. Giving Up The Green Bitch: Graham Hancock at TEDxWhitechapel.

White Global Gold

RESSOURCES numériques pour Tou(te)s. {R} End of PhD. Tools & Resources for Info Gathering & Mgmt. Analytics. Data Interactive. Productivity Strategies. We Feel Fine / mission. Mission We Feel Fine is an exploration of human emotion on a global scale. Since August 2005, We Feel Fine has been harvesting human feelings from a large number of weblogs.

Every few minutes, the system searches the world's newly posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases "I feel" and "I am feeling". When it finds such a phrase, it records the full sentence, up to the period, and identifies the "feeling" expressed in that sentence (e.g. sad, happy, depressed, etc.). Because blogs are structured in largely standard ways, the age, gender, and geographical location of the author can often be extracted and saved along with the sentence, as can the local weather conditions at the time the sentence was written. All of this information is saved. The result is a database of several million human feelings, increasing by 15,000 - 20,000 new feelings per day. At its core, We Feel Fine is an artwork authored by everyone.

. - Jonathan Harris & Sepandar Kamvar May 2006. Geospatial Revolution Videos. Home / Geospatial Revolution Videos The Geospatial Revolution Project is an integrated public service media and outreach initiative about the world of digital mapping and how it is changing the way we think, behave, and interact, produced by Penn State Public Broadcasting. In 2009, Penn State Public Broadcasting, licensee of Penn State University, began to educate and engage the public and policy-makers about geospatial developments and applications with their Geospatial Revolution Project, “an integrated public media and outreach initiative about the world of digital mapping and how it is changing the way we think, behave, and interact.” This short video offers an excellent overview of how geospatial imaging and GIS technologies work together in life- and world-changing ways.

One of the featured speakers in this film is GeoEye’s Vice President of Communications, Mark Brender. GeoEye is proud to be a first-in leadership funder for the Geospatial Revolution Project. Episode 1 Episode 2.