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Star Wars Dump: 23 Funny Star Wars Pictures. Build the Ultimate USB Thumb Drive Toolbox. If you like this story, help other people find it by giving it a digg. Thanks! What’s a USB key good for? Carrying files from one computer to another? If you think that’s all, then you’re missing out. USB thumb drives can be used in almost all the ways a regular hard drive can, including storing all sorts of useful apps. We think that this presents a great opportunity for savvy PC users to keep their favorite programs at hand, no matter what computer they end up using. In this article we’re going to show you a number of different loadouts for USB “tools.”

Tool #1: The Portable Office There’s a big push for portability these days—witness the meteoric rise in netbook sales, for one, as well as the enormous popularity of smartphones like the iPhone—and there’s nothing as portable as a USB key. However, before we start setting up our portable office, there’s something that must be discussed… Security 1. It can be found here. 2. Run the executable to begin installation. 3. Why It's Better To Pretend You Don't Know Anything About Computers. Falcon.jpg (JPEG Image, 3046 × 1941 pixels) - Scaled (38%) 303873242_e092413862_b.jpg (JPEG Image, 498 × 664 pixels) The Problem with Swords in Gears of War 3.