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Espace de travail collaboratif - F.REYSSIER - F.CHATELAIN - M.RADISAVLJEVIC -M.D'INCA Section communication, lycée Jean-Lurçat Paris 13e. Sections en initial et en alternance du BTS au M2.

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Projet booster octobre 2024. Cultures de la communication. BLOC 3 - média et digital - Atelier de professionnalisation 2024 - Contexte formatif régie publicitaire - Brief 366#Communities / OUI PUB. La rue. Les rires dans la publicité. Le comique animal. Time to get serious about humour in advertising. 70 years after Cannes Festival of Creativity’s inception, humour made its grand entrance at Cannes with its very own awards in 2024. And not before time: Kantar's data reveals that the proportion of ads that use humour as a creative strategy has dropped from 53% to 34% globally across all channels since 2000, and even more strongly in digital/social – an uncomfortable surprise given most of the social media universe and most successful content are dominated by humour. The use of humour in advertising over time To understand why it matters and what makes funny, funny we hosted a session featuring new Kantar insights, TikTok comedic superstar Rob Mayhew, McCann’s Effie-winning Global Head of Effectiveness Jamie Peate and VCCP’s IPA Grand Prix-winning CSO Claire Hutchinson.

So, why have brands gone flat? One theme from our Cannes session was certainly that global recession and the pandemic have sensitised brands into playing it ‘safe’. Sammakorn ‘Sammakorn Not Sanpakorn’ So sure.