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Intranet Sanepar. OpenSim and Xbox Kinect sensor integration | The Educational Technologist. Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit (FAAST) Contributors Evan A. Suma, Belinda Lange, Skip Rizzo, David Krum, and Mark Bolas Project Email Address: 32-bit(recommended for most users) 64-bit(for advanced users) Note from Evan Suma, the developer of FAAST: I have recently transitioned to a faculty position at USC, and unfortunately that means I have very limited time for further development of the toolkit. You may also view our online video gallery, which contains videos that demonstrate FAAST’s capabilities, as well as interesting applications that use the toolkit.

Have a Kinect for Windows v2? We have developed an experimental version of FAAST with support for the Kinect for Windows v2, available for download here (64-bit only). Recent News December 12, 2013 FAAST 1.2 has been released, adding compatibility for Windows 8. Summary FAAST is middleware to facilitate integration of full-body control with games and VR applications using either OpenNI or the Microsoft Kinect for Windows skeleton tracking software. E. Support. "Kinect" "OpenSim" Microsoft Word - artigo2 - 684-4951-1-PB.pdf. Immersive Learning Spaces in Opensim Ppt Presentation.

Kinect | Open Virtual Worlds. John introduces the story telling room at the Timespan museum in Helmsdale. Timespan’s virtual museum. What’s been happening in virtual worlds research at St Andrews? Summer dissertations ended in August. Six students completed dissertations focusing on virtual world resources using OpenSim. We had great fun supervising the students, and thank them for all their hard work. Dissertation Titles: A Toolkit for Managing Open Virtual World GridsMultimedia and Interactivity in Virtual Worlds using a Reconstruction of Linlithgow PalaceEducational Environments: A Virtual Resource for Computer NetworkingRouting Island: Internet Routing in a Virtual WorldA virtual reconstruction of St Andrews CastleVirtual St Andrews: Virtualising the Libraries Special Collections Summer dissertation students Pictures of the students at their poster demo sessions can be viewed on the open virtual worlds facebook page.

We have Dr. Cathedral Reconstruction Projects Collage. Aula2--AmbientesVirtuais.pdf. Ambientes de ensino. OpenSim. John McCaffery | Toward the 3D Web. Virtual Reality Headset, Fun! + NuiLib upgrade. I’ve been working on combining the Oculus Rift headset with the Kinect to take all our reconstructions to the next level of immersion.

If you want to have a play with the viewer check out its page on the main Open Virtual Worlds blog. To do this we have updated NuiLib quite considerably. Papers and Progress and videos The last few months have been a busy time. The first video is a quick introduction to the project: The second video expands on all aspects of the exhibit and its creation: As well as the Timespan project preliminary work has now started on our next exhibit which will be in the Shetland Museum and Archives. Lastly there is the little matter of my thesis. Caen Township First post in quite some time! The Caen Township was a small collection of long houses up the Strath from the fishing village of Helmsdale, ~1.5hrs north of Inverness. The exhibit we created launched 2 weeks ago. The second is a demonstration of the exhibit itself. Kinectcult.pdf. Location-Based Linking in Second Life.