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Your Reliable IT Partner in PA, USA - we provide custom software development, Web Development, IT consulting and business solutions including SharePoint, CRM, .Net, Mobile Development.

IT & Technology News Updates - AllianceTek Blog

HTML5 Web & Mobile Application Development. E-Learning Software Development Solutions. Business Intelligence Software Solutions | BI Consulting Services. Cloud Computing Services & Solutions. PHP Web Development & Application Development Company. .NET Development Solutions from AllianceTek. CRM Software Development Solutions. SharePoint Development Consultant, Migration & Solutions. Mobile Application Development. Digital Transformation - Latest Technological Advancements. SharePoint Solutions by AllianceTek. Contact for Software Development and business consulting - AllianceTek. Client Testimonials from Our Clients for AllianceTek. AllianceTek was recommended to Level Five because of its reputation for combined quality and price for their services.

Client Testimonials from Our Clients for AllianceTek

We found AllianceTek to be a very organized, highly responsive, and customer-friendly solutions partner. AllianceTek has helped us enhance our online image and presence to gain new clients and increase our customers’ confidence. Level Five has worked with AllianceTek on multiple projects and they have consistently provided an overall value that we have found unmatched among its competitors. For half as much as other companies will charge us for a first draft, AllianceTek is able to deliver the complete project. - Terry Trayvick (CEO and Founder) Level FIVE I wanted to convey what a great job I think the team did on this recent Listing Manager project. . - Jym Mealey (CTO) G8 Capital Great work, very good communication, clean code. . - Carlos Tames (President) Niumedia Web Partners - Julie Henry CBT4Kids Australia - James Henry (President / Owner) Expert Solutions, Inc. Alliancetek Blog. Posted By Sunil Jagani on 5.

Alliancetek Blog

January 2017 02:08 Build Application Program interfaces (API) for your systems & services from AllianceTek to grow your business. Get software development & IT Business solutions from AllianceTek. [Read More] Rate This Post: Currently rated 4.0 by 1 people Posted By Sunil Jagani on 30. Know how a business intelligence solution of AllianceTek helps your business to grow. Be the first to rate this post. Latest technology updates - AllianceTek. 5 Must-Haves in a Technology Partner Embracing technology is essential for leaders who want to grow their businesses and maximize return on investment.

latest technology updates - AllianceTek

That’s because technology enables you to scale your business, increase productivity, and sustain... Latest Technology News from the Software Development Company, Alliancetek. I needed to create an iOS app for my website and chose AllianceTek because their proposal was one of the lowest and they seemed a strong company.

Latest Technology News from the Software Development Company, Alliancetek

I was right! They created a schedule of the work based on weekly updates for which they were always on time. Software Application Development Case Studies – AllianceTek Inc., USA. Bluetooth-based door unlock Android Application - AllianceTek Inc. USA. Portfolio AllianceTek partnered with ECKey, a provider of convenient security products and services, to design a Bluetooth enabled door lock iOS application called VIZpin.

Bluetooth-based door unlock Android Application - AllianceTek Inc. USA

VIZpin functions like a key card system, but uses an iPhone to grant access. By using VIZpin, ECKey can manage temporary user credentials that allow authorized users to access a facility based on a schedule determined by the site administrator. Through the VIZpin application, users can register on the website, view upcoming VIZpin info and facility status, and send a request that starts the discoverable mode for the phone and reports the attempt to unlock to the VIZpin website. AllianceTek’s iOS solution has simplified ECKey’s facility access systems while also improving security. Hospital Management System. Home » Products » Electronic Medical Records Applications AllianceTek has developed an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) framework for healthcare organizations that allows for easy, secure, accessible, and reliable storage, retrieval, and modification of patient medical records and information.

Hospital Management System

AllianceTek’s EMR solution: Saves time. Reduces paperwork. Eliminates errors. Shopping Mall Management Software Solutions. Home » Products » Mall Management Platform Attracting customers to their venue is a major challenge for shopping mall owners.

Shopping Mall Management Software Solutions

Consumers have become more used to Internet and mobile technologies, and many prefer the convenience of the online shopping experience. Private coaching management Application. Home » Products » Executive Coach Suite As an executive coach, your passion is helping leaders run their businesses successfully.

Private coaching management Application

But sometimes you’re buried in your daily organizational and administrative chores. Web Servers, Mail Servers, Sharepoint Systems & Custom ERPS Hosting. Consultation Services, Technology Assessment. Home » Services » Consultation Businesses and technologies are changing at a rapid pace.

Consultation Services, Technology Assessment

Keeping in step with new innovations and updated systems as they’re released can be a challenge. AllianceTek can find ways to improve your business’ ROI, align your workforce with the right set of tools and technologies, eliminate production bottlenecks and improve its bottom line. Benefits of a Technology Assessment. Dedicated Development Team. Home » Services » Hire a Team Technology plays a crucial role in the growth and success of a business.

Dedicated Development Team

To succeed, you need people who possess the right knowledge, skill-sets, and experience. Application Testing Services. Home » Services » Testing Services | Quality Assurance Services Organizations are constantly seeking ways to enhance the quality and performance of their applications. With the introduction of various platforms like mobile, social and cloud, it’s important to ensure that an application performs flawlessly on each. Why AllianceTek? AllianceTek is an ISO certified company and places the highest priority on quality assurance. We utilize an integrated process that ensures each unit is tested throughout the development lifecycle. Technology Support and Maintenance Services. Home » Services » Support & Maintenance Software development is an iterative process. As the technology upgrades, the software that supports it must also undergo change.

Businesses need to keep pace with fast-changing technology trends. Technology experts who can provide consistent support and maintenance are crucial to continued success. Legacy System Migration Services. Home » Services » Legacy System Migration Has your system’s performance deteriorated? Are you spending higher maintenance costs on it or facing the limitations of old technologies? Are you worried about substantial data loss? Application Integration Services. Home » Services » Application Integration Your business might need integration services: If your business operations are running on disparate systems If your existing system falls short of new business requirements If you want to synchronize your business operations and make the right decisions, but the information you need is scattered across different departments If you want to improve communication and collaboration between isolated units within your organization and divert money, resource energy and time into more useful tasks If you’re trying to capture your target audience on an alternate platform.

User Interface/ User Experience Designing for Web, Mobile. Application Development Process. Mobile Application Development. Enterprise Search Solutions, full text search and Solr Search. Enterprise Integration Solutions. Content Management System with best CMS Solutions and software. E-commerce Application Development, E-commerce Solutions. Online Learning Solutions- AllianceTek. CRM Consulting. SharePoint Solutions and Development. Streamline Business Processes Simplify repetitive tasks with systems that put everything your associates need at their finger tips, and which send automated reminders so that nothing is overlooked. For example, we built a system that enables purchase requests to be routed and approved easily. It provides insight on purchases in process, helping to manage cash flow. Online collaboration platforms acceleate your business with smooth and efficient company workflows.

Bridging the Divide Between Multiple Applications & Secure Back-end Data You don’t have to take chances with data transmitted from your back-end systems to mobile applications. A SharePoint collaboration platform provides a bridge between back-end data and mobile, web, and tablet applications that assures data security. Building Online Communities Build an online community with a cloud collaboration platform. Cloud Computing services and Solutions. Business Intelligence and Reporting. Business Process Automation Solutions. Quality Assurance Process. Web and Software Development methodology. Project Management, Development. AllianceTek Management Team. How can AllianceTek help you? Leading IT Solution Provider. Channel Partner Program, AllianceTek Channel Partnership. What we offer Software Development, Product Development, Hiring Services - Alliancetek. US based Software Development Company, Reliable IT Partner - AllianceTek.

Overview of AllianceTek Development Environment -About AllianceTek Inc. Advantages of AllianceTek Software Development Process and Systems. AllianceTek Helps Achieve Above Par Results for Software Needs - USA.