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Facebook Twitter for Sobriety, Strength and Serenity. NA. Click here when stoned and alone... 20 Questions That Could Change Your Life. Afghanistan Heroin Trade. Heroin. Heroin /ˈhɛroʊɪn/ (diacetylmorphine or morphine diacetate, also known as diamorphine (BAN, INN[4]) and commonly known by its street names of H, smack, boy, horse, brown, black, tar, and others[5] is an opioid analgesic originally synthesized by C.R. Alder Wright in 1874 by adding two acetyl groups to the molecule morphine, which is found naturally in the opium poppy. It is the 3,6-diacetyl ester of morphine. Administered intravenously by injection, heroin is two to four times more potent than morphine and is faster in its onset of action.[6] Illicit heroin is sometimes available in freebase form, dulling the sheen and consistency to a matte-white powder.[7] Because of its lower boiling point, the freebase form of heroin is also smokable.

Drugs. Opium Made Easy - Michael Pollan. We may not hear as much now about the war on drugs as we did in the days of Nancy Reagan, William Bennett, and "Just Say No.

Opium Made Easy - Michael Pollan

" But in fact the drug war continues unabated; if anything, the Clinton Administration is waging it even more intensely than its predecessors, having spent a record $15 billion on drug enforcement last year and added federal death penalties for so-called drug kingpins - a category defined to include large-scale growers of marijuana. Every autumn, police helicopters equipped with infrared sensors trace regular flight paths over the farm fields in my comer of New England; just the other day they spotted thirty marijuana plants tucked into a cornfield up the road from me, less than a hundred yards, as the crow flies, from my garden. Overflights and other such measures have certainly proved an effective deterrent with me.

And anyway, the few times I've had access to marijuana in the last few years, my biggest problem was always finding the time to smoke it.