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Food Industry

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News website for food production industry. The Dirty Secrets of the Food Processing Industry. By: Fallon, Sally, M.A. Sally Fallon is a nutrition journalist and food historian. She is the author of Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, a full spectrum nutritional cookbook which documents the politics behind the cholesterol theory of heart disease. She can tell us which fats and oils are beneficial and which are harmful, with supporting scientific documentation.

Sally is editor of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation's health journal, Wise Traditions, and is a regular contributor to a wide number of alternative health publications. We have always processed our food; that is something that humans do. Unfortunately, in modern times we have gone from local artisanal processing to factory and industrial processing which actually destroys the food rather than making it more digestible as traditional processing did. These cereals are produced by a process called extrusion. Food Processing news (food process, food equipment, food machinery) Food Processing. Food Manufacturing | The Leading Source for Food Manufacturing News.