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Teleglu. Redirecting... This is a book you just need to read once. Wake up to your True Self ! Make peace with the POWERFUL YOU ! Download the ebook for easy reference at any time. I wrote these 9 steps to awakening based on my own lessons at each step. These are 9 steps to understanding and aligning our lives with our true self. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Book available in Epub and PDF format. Click here to GET your own copy of the eBOOK Why? Why a conscious awakening? I understand how we are programmed to feel those negative emotions. We are conscious beings and it is time that we consciously awaken. As we wake up individually, we wake up more and more of our oneness. Are you ready to consciously awaken? Are you ready to be right now? I am. Watch this short video I made to remind us that we are connected by the heart beat of the universe, as one.

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