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BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

BSC Solutions Group provides IT support for Mississauga, Brampton, and Toronto businesses. Call us at (905) 458-9333 or toll-free at 1-800-958-2341 for inquiries or to book a free consultation.

10 Most Successful Online Scams to Watch out For - BSC Solutions Group Ltd. Scams are nothing new, with the first-ever recorded instance of fraud dating back to as early as 300 BC.

10 Most Successful Online Scams to Watch out For - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

While it is a common enough occurrence throughout history, the advent of technology and the Internet has made it more insidious, widespread, and financially catastrophic. Canadians lost at least $130 million to various scams in 2019 and approximately $1.2 million to COVID-19 scams alone within the first quarter of 2020.

From phishing to fake business transactions, these types of online scams prey on unsuspecting individuals and take advantage of their generosity and fear. If neglected, scammers can easily target your personal computer or mobile device and gather enough information to gain an advantage. Combating online scams is a matter of knowledge and awareness. IT Support & Consultation Company in Toronto, Mississauga & Brampton. 30 Years Managed IT Services Perfect in Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga for Small-Medium Businesses.

Save Time with Microsoft Bookings - BSC Solutions Group Ltd. Bookings is an app included with Microsoft 365 Business Standard and Premium subscriptions as well as the Enterprise plans.

Save Time with Microsoft Bookings - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

This is a great time-saver and adds a professional touch with your customers. By visiting a web page, your customers can find open time in your Outlook calendar and book appointments. This eliminates those back and forth emails to determine a mutually agreeable date and time. How to Benefit Most From Your IT Services Provider - BSC Solutions Group Ltd. Hiring the right Managed IT Services company is a task you should undertake with great consideration.

How to Benefit Most From Your IT Services Provider - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

Just like your corporate lawyer or accountant, you’re ultimately seeking a company you can put your trust in. Only the experts can truly understand the complicated world of IT, which has become infinitely more so with the need to protect against increasing threats of cyberattack. Once you have made the choice of a Managed IT Services Provider that fits your criteria, including having your best interests at heart, you need to make the leap of faith and put your trust in their advice. Here are some other pointers: Why Cybersecurity Is Essential for Small Businesses - BSC Solutions Group Ltd. Many small business owners may not realize the impact and influence they have in the economy as a whole.

Why Cybersecurity Is Essential for Small Businesses - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

According to the December 2017 Key Small Business Statistics, small businesses comprise 97.9% of Canada’s economy, making them the backbone of our economy. Cybersecurity Risks for Small Businesses Organizations need to create and practice a culture of security to protect their network, their data, their image, ensure consumer confidence and ultimately ensure their continued exitance. Unfortunately, cyberattackers do not stop at targeting large-scale businesses to gather data.

It might be easy to think that cybercriminals will pass over attacking small businesses since there is “not much to steal.” What's So Great About Microsoft Teams - BSC Solutions Group Ltd. One of the most important aspects of running a business is effective teamwork and collaboration.

What's So Great About Microsoft Teams - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

Many companies use programs that have features including live conferencing. However, these programs may fall short of fulfilling your team’s collaboration needs. Group communication does not always mean a voice call or live conference. In some cases, you need to use email to monitor and oversee the updates for a particular project.Over the years, various applications have been developed to fill the void but are lacking in features. . Some of the other concerns businesses have to address when using these apps are around security, and that is where Microsoft Teams comes into the picture. What Is Microsoft Teams? How The Right IT Company Can Help Your Small Business - BSC Solutions Group Ltd. As a small business owner, you’re always looking for ways to cut costs and save money.

How The Right IT Company Can Help Your Small Business - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

Your IT service isn’t one of the expenses you should cut. Your business benefits from having an IT company on your side, protecting your data, and keeping your team productive. There are many perks to using an IT service, not in the least of which is its ability to save you money in the long run.If you’re not sure how an IT company can help your small business in Toronto, here are some of the top benefits of contracting with the right IT company. Better Communication Every business uses online technology for communication. At the fundamental level, you likely use email.

IT Solutions Greater Toronto Area. Business Cyber Security Protection. 30 Years Managed IT Solutions for Small - Medium Businesses in the GTA. Computer Network IT Support Specialists Toronto Area for 30 Years. IT Services Support Specialists Serving The Toronto Area for 30 Years. IT Company Serving Small-Medium Organizations in the GTA for 30 Years. IT Security in Your Supply Chain - BSC Solutions Group Ltd. With the level of connectedness in our world, including dependence on hosted applications and cloud computing, the IT security of your supply chain has become just as important as your own.

IT Security in Your Supply Chain - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

You may have been diligent in your actions to protect your corporate network and data, but what if your vendors or partners have not? Examples of this can easily be found in the news. Of particular note was the “NotPetya” attack in the summer of 2017. This attack was first aimed at the Ukraine, but then went on to cripple hundreds of companies, including global shipping giant Maersk and all the way to a Pennsylvania hospital. Facebook Phishing URLs Up 176% - BSC Solutions Group Ltd. Phishing remains one of the top methods of cyberattack, using a malicious email link or attachment.

Facebook Phishing URLs Up 176% - BSC Solutions Group Ltd.

A Q2 2019 report by Vade Secure, identifies the 25 brands that are most often impersonated in phishing attacks. The top 10 of those are: MicrosoftPayPalFacebookNetflixBank of AmericaAppleCIBCAmazonDHLDocusign Further analysis by Vade Secure has indicated that an average of more than 222 unique Microsoft phishing URLs (i.e. not genuine) are created every day. The growth of Office 365 use has made Microsoft phishing very attractive. Facebook’s Rise Though Microsoft impersonated sites have been #1 for the 5th straight quarter, Facebook phishing has grown an incredible 176 percent year over year, moving it into third spot.

What To Do Regular employee testing and training on how to detect phishing emails must become standard practice to lessen the risk of a successful phishing attack on your organization. Learn more about an affordable, effective Phishing Testing & Training Service here.