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Phytochemicals and Cardiovascular Disease. What are phytochemicals? Phytochemicals are chemicals found in plants. Plant sterols, flavonoids, and sulfur-containing compounds are three classes of micronutrients found in fruits and vegetables. These compounds may be important in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fatty deposits in artery walls. Within these categories are many possible compounds, most of which aren't well described and whose modes of action aren't established.

Many other plant products may also be linked to the atherosclerotic process, such as antioxidant vitamins, phytoestrogens and trace minerals. These plant micronutrients will clearly be the topic of future research. AHA Recommendation More research on phytochemicals is needed in these areas: Nutritional databases must include better information on micronutrients. Background Substantial evidence exists in three areas: plant sterols, flavonoids and plant sulfur compounds. Plant sterols Finally, cafestol is a terpene present in coffee.

SuperTracker Home. Stop the Cravings! Eat Right! from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Reviewed by Eleese Cunningham, RDN The kids are asleep; you've got a great movie lined up to watch and the craving hits: Chocolate. Now. Does it matter that you've stuck to healthy eating all week? No. Chocolate! Some dieters may believe a craving—an intense desire for a certain food—is a signal their bodies need the nutrients that food provides. "It's an age-old question whether cravings are physiological or psychological," says Bethany Thayer, RDN, MS, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. What happens when your cravings become overwhelming and lead to overindulgence and feelings of guilt? If you sometimes crave chocolate, keep some dark chocolate on hand. Here are other tips for handling food cravings: Put your craving off. Reviewed April 2013.

Weight Management. In addition to helping you feel and look better, reaching a healthier body weight is good for your overall health and well being. If you are overweight or obese, you have a greater risk of developing many diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer. The secret to success is making changes and sticking with them. First - Find out What You Eat and Drink. This a key step in managing your weight.Next - Find out What to Eat and Drink. Get a personalized Daily Food Plan - just for you - to help guide your food choices. Then - Make Better Choices. Children and adolescents: The advice in this section is for adults.