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The Deep Roots of Anti-Semitism in European Society - Manfred Gerstenfeld. Jewish Political Studies Review 17:1-2 (Spring 2005) Manfred Gerstenfeld The resurgence of European anti-Semitism after the Holocaust suggests that it has deep roots in society.

The Deep Roots of Anti-Semitism in European Society - Manfred Gerstenfeld

It has been fostered in a great variety of ways by so many, for such a long time, in all European countries that one might consider this form of hate and discrimination as inherent to European culture and a part of European "values. " New European anti-Semitism often originates from a young age, which indicates that it is an anti-Semitism of the future rather than of the past.


Secular. Political. The Protocols. An Attempt to Identify the Root Cause of Antisemitism : Azure - Ideas for the Jewish Nation. A prominent Israeli author gets to the bottom of the world`s oldest hatred. Preview: Editor’s note: Shoach. Anti-Semitism. A modern phenomenon.


The following article is reprinted with permission from A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People edited by Eli Barnavi and published by Schocken Books. In a pamphlet published in 1873, Der Sieg des Judentums uber das Germanentum ("The Victory of Judaism over Germandom"), Wilhelm Marr, the German political agitator, coined the term "antisemit­ism. " Fortuitous though it may have been, the coincidence of the inven­tion of the word and the manifesta­tions of what could be considered early modern anti-Semitism was cer­tainly very symbolic. We Also Recommend.