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Delete a non-empty directory. Trail: Deployment: Table of Contents (The Java™ Tutorials) Java and JavaScript Programming, by Richard G Baldwin. If you find the links to any of my tutorials broken, you might try either: Going to Google or Bing and searching the web for pages having the same title, or Going to More articles by Richard G. Baldwin at and searching that page for the tutorial by title. One of those two options is almost certain to lead you to a copy of the tutorial. The New Face of Computer Science Education - The Scratch Generation 002 The Importance of Sun's Java Documentation ... 905 Types, Classes, and Objects ... 9000 Sample Programs, Set 19001 Sample Programs, Set 29002 Sample Programs, Set 3 ...

Note, the following lessons on The Essence of OOP are considered to be Intermediate level material. Data Structures 1350 Data Structures in Java: Part 1, Getting Started 1352 Data Structures in Java: Part 2, What Is a Collection? Richard G Baldwin, DISCLAIMER: To the best of my knowledge, all of the program code embedded in these HTML files was originally correct.

Convert from type X to type Y. BXML Primer | Apache Pivot. BXML is an XML-based markup language for simplifying the construction of Java object hierarchies. While it is most often used to define the user interface of an Apache Pivot application, it is not limited to user interface construction, and can actually be used to create hierarchies of any object type.

This document introduces the BXML language and explains how it can be used to create and configure a collection of Java objects. BXMLSerializer The org.apache.pivot.beans.BXMLSerializer class is used to load a structure defined in a BXML file. This class implements the org.apache.pivot.serialization.Serializer interface, which defines the readObject() method for reading an object value from an input stream: For example, the following code snippet loads a Window object declared in a file named "my_window.bxml": Namespaces In BXML, an XML namespace represents a Java package. For example, the following simple BXML associates the package "" with the "foo" namespace prefix: Elements Attributes. Java DB - Reference.