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2012′s Most Fascinating #SocialMedia Statistics. Building a Fully Engaged Audience with Social Media – Part 3 of 3. This is the final post in a three part series on building a fully engaged audience through social media. In the first two posts you learned about the most powerful social media sites, their usage statistics, and a bit about the kinds of content their users tend to appreciate. Now it’s time to… Put it All Together and Build Your Social Media Marketing Blue Print If you want to capitalize on all of these networks at once, you have your work cut out for you. Each network tends to like and share different kinds of content. Yuck! That’s because twitter and facebook are the largest social networking sites, and the other four all include integration with them. It’s definitely possible to create content that resonates with all four user bases at the same time.

Publish Your Content to Your Blog, First! Most people make a huge mistake – they create content specifically for these networks and never think to publish them on their own site, first. Empire Avenue Goes Beyond Social Influence Measurement into the Realm of Influence Building. The world of social media influence has been a growing industry for years. Klout and Kred have emerged as two of the leaders in the segment with Trust Cloud and others making statements about their own growing relevance, but there’s a network (a game, really) that surpasses all of them in usefulness and has carved a unique niche for itself in the social networking universe. If you haven’t been paying attention to Empire Avenue, you probably don’t realize what you’re missing.

Many who have checked it out may have made the mistake of assuming it was just a game. The idea is simple – your social accounts help you to generate a “stock” price and you go on the open market. You can buy and sell shares in other users with “eaves” (currency) that you generate every day based upon your performance, shares sold, and your portfolio that pays you dividends. Each network is given a score that influences both your price and your dividends. Benefit 1: Strong Networking Every network has spammers.

How You Should Spend Your Marketing Budget: Facebook vs Twitter vs Pinterest. Session One – Social Media Strategy Overview. Social Media from Scratch Session One – Social Media Strategy Overview <object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase=' id='ns_vm_Session1mov' height='483' width='640' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'><param name='wmode' value='transparent'><param name='bgcolor' value='#000000' /><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true' /><param name='flashvars' value='flv= /><param name='movie' value=' /><!

--[if ! This is a FREE introduction to the Social Media From Scratch Series. 10 Content Marketing Tips You Can Employ Now. Are you looking for content marketing ideas? Need some actionable tips you can put to use today? We asked 10 content marketing experts for their best content marketing tips. Here they are: #1: Leverage the Power of Interviews Without a doubt, one of my hottest content marketing tips is to do interviews… especially video interviews. David Siteman Garland Here is why you should add interviews to your content repertoire (big word!) If you can ask questions and like talking to people, you can interview someone. David being seen interviewing Tim Ferriss.You get free consulting/coaching (*wink wink*). Good luck and go get ‘em!

David Siteman Garland, author of Smarter, Faster, Cheaper and creator of the web show and resource The Rise To The Top. #2: Embrace Content Curation Ileane Smith I’m seeing some real excitement starting to build around content curation platforms right now, and by far my favorite content curation tool is Ileane Smith, founder of Basic Blog Tips. #3: Use Calls to Action 1. 10 Simple Steps To Increase Your Digital Influence. What if you could shortcut the time it takes to be known as a thought leader or an expert or get elected to a position of authority and power or chosen for that important job that you want so desperately.

Just imagine when you wrote a book that it immediately sold in the thousands and maybe even appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list. Social media is sometimes viewed as just another way of communicating… and yes it is… but it is so much more than that if start to scratch its surface and dive in and start to leverage its power to spread your content globally and amplify the results. It can be used as a tool to promote your company and personal brand that can fast track results that can be astounding and the 10 people mentioned in this article I am sure would testify to that. There was a comment left on a post the other day and it was both expected and surprising. In fact my blog and my social media channels provide me with my own multimedia printing press and marketing platform. 1. Nielsen’s State of Media: The Social Media Report 2012.

Today, we want to point you to one of this year’s top resources about the state of media (and one you should bookmark) – Nielsen’s State of Media: The Social Media Report 2012. There’s no need for us to peel back the layers and outline every piece of it, but we do want to point out a few key findings before you guys spend some quality time with the report itself. 1. Compare the amount of time spent on social media by device category: PC vs. mobile/tablet. On average, mobile web & apps win out over PC. That is pretty significant when you consider where web development, advertising dollars and marketing campaigns will go in 2013 and beyond.

We have passed the tipping point: the PC is now the “old” interface. Mobile devices have overtaken the PC when it comes to digital social usage. 2. To make this data relevant to you, let’s focus on a few quick questions: where are your customers? 3. So here, think trends vs. volume. 4. (If you weren’t yet asking these questions, you should be.) 5. 1. 2.