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Creating a Wordpress Theme

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10 Useful RSS-Tricks and Hacks For WordPress - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement By Jean-Baptiste Jung RSS is one of those technologies that are extremely simple yet extremely powerful. Currently, RSS is the de facto standard for blog syndication, and it is used widely in both personal and corporate settings; for example, in blogs. And because a large percentage of these blogs run on WordPress, we’ll cover in this post some (hopefully) relatively unknown but useful RSS-related tricks and hacks that will help you use RSS in a more effective way — and without unnecessary and chunky WordPress plug-ins. Let’s take a look at 10 useful, yet rather unknown RSS-tricks for WordPress. 1. The problem. The solution. Code explanation. Sources Publish your feed later 2. The problem. Another problem: do you often change your theme? The solution. Create a backup of your .htaccess file, located in the root of your Web server.Edit the .htaccess file and add the following code.

Code explanation. 3. The problem. The solution. Follow these simple steps to perform this hack: 4. Wordpress (WP) SEO/webmaster. 20 WordPress Plugin Solutions for Image Handling. 9 Blogs to Help You Master the Thesis WordPress Theme. So you just picked up a copy of the wonderful Thesis WordPress theme framework, installed it, and don’t quite know where to begin. Sure you can read some basic tutorials and instructions and get a simple site going, but we all know Thesis is more powerful than that. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of 9 awesome blogs to read and subscribe to that will be sure to make you a Thesis master in no time. Note: You should always have a solid WordPress foundation before working on a specialized framework, so make sure to check out some WordPress development blogs before you dive into these. DIY Themes Blog Sometimes the best place for information is the source.

Luckily, the DIY Themes crew have been hard at work pumping out tutorials and tips, and you can find them here. How to Set up Tracking Scripts with ThesisHow to Use the Robots Meta Tags in ThesisHow to Generate Affiliate Links to Any Page on DIYThemes DIY Themes Answers Bill Erickson Matt Hodder Kristarella Art of Blog Greg Rickaby Matt Flies. 60 plugins ou widgets sociaux pour votre plateforme Wordpress, Joomla ou Drupal. Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Ceux qui suivent le blog depuis ses débuts s’en souviennent sans doute, je vous avais proposé début 2010 une sélection de 25 plugins ou widgets sociaux pour votre blog WordPress, impressionné à l’époque par le très grand nombre de blogs qui n’employaient par les bons outils afin de créer des passerelles avec les réseaux sociaux. Cela comprenait les outils de partage mais également ceux d’affichage (profils sociaux) et de connexion (« Connectez-vous via Facebook »).

Ces petites fonctionnalités sont d’une importance extrême sur votre plateforme, tout simplement parce qu’elles vont permettre à vos lecteurs de promouvoir vos dernières publications auprès de leur sphère sociale ou de vous retrouver facilement sur les réseaux sociaux. Depuis l’an dernier, de nombreuses choses ont changé. Sommaire : 30 plugins pour votre plateforme WordPress Les outils de partage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. Les outils d’affichage 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement In our previous articles on WordPress hacks, we discussed the incredible flexibility of WordPress, which is one of the biggest reasons for its popularity among bloggers worldwide. Custom fields in particular, which let users create variables and add custom values to them, are one of the reasons for WordPress’ flexibility.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 useful things that you can do with custom fields in WordPress. Among them are setting expiration time for posts, defining how blog posts are displayed on the front page, displaying your mood or music, embedding custom CSS styles, disabling search engine indexing for individual posts, inserting a “Digg this” button only when you need it and, of course, displaying thumbnails next to your posts 1.

Set An Expiration Time For Posts Image source: Richard Vantielcke1 The problem. The solution. <? To create a post set to expire at a certain date and time, just create a custom field. Code explanation. Source: 2. The problem. 30 Powerful Wordpress Plugins For Blog Administrators. To handle a blog these days can be quite difficult if you are not well-organized and you don’t spend enough time managing it. That’s why there are plugins for WordPress. They literally make your job lot easier and if you work well with them you can put them to work for you. Sounds cool I know, but you have to know which plugins are ment for your blog and when to use them. In my opinion, the administration plugins have one of the most important roles in your blog because they are the ones that help you to get: statistics, help you manage content and help you to generate content.

There are tons of plugins designed to do the job I’ve just mentioned and is pretty difficult to find the plugins you really need. Keep in mind that you have to save lots of time in order to become more effective and I’m sure that using these plugins right will save you a lot of time. 1. Firestats is without a dub my favorite plugin for gathering statistics about the traffic that comes to my blogs. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Best WordPress Admin Plug-ins. There are many WordPress Admin Plug-ins out there, but with each upgrade WordPress is improved thus rendering plug-ins unusable or the developer stops upgrading the plug-in. It’s a chore to go through the plug-ins to see what is still usable and compatible.

The following list contains plug-ins that are still very handy to handle your WordPress website/weblog. Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu Transforms the admin menu into drop downs saving your some extra clicks. There are optional color schemes and FamFam icons. A very apt plug-in to modify the admin panel. Download Fluency Fluency adds more to the admin interface design plus several features like: Hover menusSwitch between full menu view and icon-only viewHot keys for menu/submenu accessSupport for both Grey and Classic/Blue color schemesand more… Download WordPress Task Manager This plug-in display a small task manager in the administration menu of WordPress. Download – Plug-in page Adminimize Download – Plug-in page Admin Management Xtended Download. WordPress Porn Plugin - Automated Videos! -

Top CMS Themes - Best Wordpress Themes Free or Premium, handpicked one by one. 10 WordPress Admin Plugins to Improve Your Admin Area. The admin area is where you spend most of your time when working on your website or blog. So it’s worth considering using one of the many plugins available which improve the admin experience.

Today I will be showing you 10 plugins for WordPress which will improve the admin area and increase productivity and your user experience. 10 WordPress Admin Plugins Plugins are listed in no particular order :) 1. A basic plugin which lets you easily customise the colour scheme of your admin area. You can force users to use your new custom colour scheme and you can set permissions for which users can create, edit and import themes. Link: Easy Admin Color Schemes 2. WordPress Admin Bar adds an admin bar to the top of your blog if you are logged in.

There are 8 colour schemes available for the admin bar and you can fully customise it by selecting what areas of your admin area are included on the bar. Link: WordPress Admin Bar 3. Fluency Admin is an amazing plugin which really boosts your admin area. 4. Customizing the Read More. Customizing the Read More Languages: English • 日本語 • Português do Brasil • (Add your language) If you have set your WordPress site to display post excerpts on the front or home page, you will want visitors to click on the title or a link to encourage them to continue reading your post or article, right?

WordPress makes this technique easy, and customizable. The Excerpt Basics Excerpts (teasers) can be shown on WordPress through two methods: The first, keeping the the_content() template tag and inserting a quicktag called more at your desired "cut-off" point when editing the post. In both cases, if you have set anything in the Excerpt meta box on the post editor screen, that text will be used.

The most commonly used method is the first one, because the user editing the post can choose between showing the whole content or just the excerpt, individually for each post. It will insert a code at that point that looks like this: Read More Techniques To remove the teaser: the_content('',FALSE,''); <? <? WordPress Post Excerpts and the More Tag. Not only once, it has been said that displaying full posts on your blog home page, category pages or archive pages increases the chance of being penalized for duplicate content.

In WordPress, using post excerpts has proven to be a good alternative, but one that has its downsides: You lose control over text formatting;Images won’t be displayed;If you don’t take time to write them yourself, WordPress might not select the most appropriate fragments;Readers might not be convinced to further click, if the excerpt is not attractive enough. Better Post Excerpts If you’re concerned about your writing style, you’ll most definitely take care about how you structure your posts, where you insert images and how you write the introductory paragraph. With these in mind, you basically got yourself a very good post excerpt, one that you should not leave to WordPress to decide when and where to cut. The ‘More’ Tag Your introductory paragraph should be placed before using the 'more' quicktag. That’s it! Thematic-structure. 48 WordPress Plugins to Branding Perfect Blog | VisonwidGet.

60+ Best WordPress Plugins Branding U Blog Details Category: WordPress Hits: 32025 Also you dont know PHP, CSS or JavaScript, even unknow the the basic ignorant of HTML, but you are lucky because have Wordpress who have millions of plug-ins, so that you can easily create a perfect blog. Of course, which everybody mention on their blogs and repeat many times without big sense, because choice the better one is always a difficult task.

So today i wanted to summed up the nine categories, selected 60+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2012 that allows you to easier build up a perfect blog, Hope you like this! 6 SEO Plug-ins: SEO Ultimate: This all-in-one SEO plugin gives you control over title tags, noindex, meta tags, Open Graph, slugs, canonical, autolinks, 404 errors, rich snippets. WordPress SEO by Yoast: Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast. 10 Security plug-ins 9 Interactive plug-ins: 10 Subscribe Plug-ins: How to Edit the WordPress RSS Feed. Ever thought you could make some improvements to your RSS feed?

Like letting it cover more (or less!) Content? Or adding some extra details onto the end of your posts? In this post, I’m going to show you how to do exactly that. Here’s what we’ll be covering: How to include both posts and pages in your feeds.How to add thumbnails to your feeds.How to exclude posts with a certain tag.Set how many posts appear in your feed (Without affecting the rest of your site).How to show only posts from a certain category.How to add content to the end of each post (e.g. link to your latest featured post).

All of this is going to take place in the functions.php file of your theme. Include Pages in WordPress Feed What we will do is add a filter to WordPress when it is searching for posts. If you wanted to show only pages, then you could change the word ‘any’ to ‘page’ (or to the name of any custom post types you’ve created). You may want to be more specific and only show top level pages. Best Quality Wordpress Themes Review and Rating. WordPress Post Excerpts and the More Tag. 9 Useful Websites for Thematic Child Theme Development. You’ve may have noticed a design change here at RepeatGeek, if you’ve visited before. I have been exploring different WordPress frameworks to build my website around and I finally decided upon Thematic. My decision to go with Thematic was that it is extensible, stable, SEO optimized, easily configurable and most importantly FREE.

In developing my child theme, I thought I would share some resources that I found useful. A Guide to Thematic – ThemeShaper This is a wiki from the Thematic creator Ian Stewart that seems a little incomplete, but does contain some useful code snippets. The Old Busted Guide – ThemeShaper Before there was the wiki there was the old busted guide. How To Create a WordPress Theme: The Ultimate WordPress Theme Tutorial – ThemeShaper Also from the creator of the Thematic theme is an 11 part tutorial that walks you through the creation of a child theme. Thematic Page Structure – Blue Mandala This diagram outlines most of the areas of thematic that you can customize and style.

WPconfig. RackTheme - Free Premium WordPress Themes, Joomla, Magento, OsCommerce, ZenCart, Drupal Templates. Imazine : E-commerce, Interfaces et Geekeries. The Ultimate Guide To Creating E-Commerce Websites With Magento. In the process of launching an e-store, when it comes to choosing the right solution, you will get puzzled by the hundreds of solutions available. The options range from simple and free shopping cart systems to complex and paid e-commerce softwares which can charge you for both getting and “keeping” your shop online.

However, there are some applications which offer great features but still free. One of the best and open source e-commerce solutions available for free is Magento. In the following comprehensive tutorial, we will see what are the benefits and drawbacks of using Magento as your e-commerce application. We will make a demo store and take a look on some basic and intermediate features of Magento. Why use Magento? Pros: Cons: resource intensive (yes, Magento needs a lot of memory in order to work efficiently but don’t worry, we will also learn how to fix it up to run Magento in low cost hosting solutions.)latest version of PHP not supported (Magento only works with PHP 5.2) 1. 2. 3. 4. Wordpress. Thematic WordPress Theme Toolbox: 10 extremely useful hooks - If you’re looking for a tutorial on how to create a Thematic child theme, you should read this post.

Add a favicon A favicon is a small image displayed by modern web browsers. It is a must have for all websites, because it allows your visitors to quickly visualize your site among others when they have lots of browser tabs open at the same time. This handy code will add your favicon to your theme. Make sure a favicon.png file is in your child theme images directory, and then paste the code in your functions.php file: function childtheme_favicon() { ? ><link rel="shortcut icon" href="<? Source: Add an Internet Explorer specific stylesheet Who doesn’t hate Internet Explorer? Modify Doctype By default, Thematic outputs a XHTML 1.0 transitional doctype. Use Feedburner RSS feeds Feedburner is very popular among bloggers. Add Google Analytics code to your Thematic child theme Google Analytics is another free and very useful service.

Modify Thematic footer credit Display Thematic menu above header. : Daily recipes to cook with WordPress. Nice Theme Wordpress Themes, Magazine Themes, News Wordpress Themes, Professional themes, encoder footer wordpress. 50+ Cheat Sheets for Building WordPress Themes and Plugins ? tripwire magazine. WordPress needs no introduction. It powerful, highly popular and have a huge community providing loads of free and premium themes and plugins. Still you may fell like creating your own themes or plugins could be fun or a way to get the functionality and look and fell you need.

It is not that hard to customize a theme but starting from scratch requires some experience or assistance. I have previously provided an article that could get you started by itself, 40+ Awesome Tutorials and Techniques For WordPress Theme Developers. Still having access to a good set of cheat sheets will for sure help you speed up development even more.

Advertisement Pure WordPress Cheat Sheets The WordPress Help Sheet The WordPress Help Sheet includes the following: Basic Template FilesPHP Snippets for the HeaderPHP Snippets for the TemplatesAnd Extra Stuff for WordPress Download PDF : Download Cheat Sheet Source : WordPress Theme Development Checklist WordPress SEO Cheat Sheet WordPress Template Tags. Lazy Blogging with Postalicious | OMNINOGGIN.