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Bin Deploying ASP.NET MVC. With the release of ASP.NET MVC Beta, the assemblies distributed with ASP.NET MVC are automatically installed into the GAC.

Bin Deploying ASP.NET MVC

System.Web.Mvc System.Web.Routing System.Web.Abstractions While developing an application locally, this isn’t a problem. But when you are ready to deploy your application to a hosting provider, this might well be a problem if the hoster does not have the ASP.NET MVC assemblies installed in the GAC. Cassini 2.0 - Free Redistributable ASP.NET Web Server from UltiD. Good old Cassini is getting obsolete.

Cassini 2.0 - Free Redistributable ASP.NET Web Server from UltiD

Replace it with the new and advanced UltiDev Web Server Pro, which is also free and redistributable. UltiDev Cassini is a free, light-weight and redistributable web server that can host ASP.NET 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 and 1.1 applications and static HTML sites. Whenever your customers need an alternative to IIS — UltiDev Cassini web server is the answer. UltiDev Cassini was built using Microsoft Cassini web server sample as a base, but was vastly improved and expanded compared to original Cassini sample by adding lots of new features and fixing existing bugs. UltiDev Cassini runs on all flavors of Windows XP including Windows XP Home, Windows Vista, Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 Server. Microsoft Live Labs : Volta. NUnitAsp - ASP.NET unit testing.