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Dutch Men And Latvian Women Are World's Tallest, 100-Year-Long Study Reveals. If you ever need help reaching something at the top of a high shelf, your best bet may be to look for a Dutch man or a Latvian woman.

Dutch Men And Latvian Women Are World's Tallest, 100-Year-Long Study Reveals

A comprehensive analysis of human height in the journal eLife conclusively states that these two population groups are the tallest on the planet, with the former coming in at an average of 183 centimeters (6 feet) tall, and the latter averaging a height of 170 centimeters (5 feet 7 inches). Tracking growth trends in 187 countries for 100 years across 1,472 population-based studies, the study also reveals that the shortest men on the planet live on East Timor, where the average height is 160 centimeters (5 feet 3 inches). The smallest women reside in Guatemala, a status they held back in 1914, when the study began.

Back then, they were 140 centimeters (4 feet 7 inches) – today, they are just reaching 150 centimeters (4 feet 11 inches). The Five Most Earth-Like Exoplanets (So Far) I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve read that the “first Earth-like exoplanet” has been discovered.

The Five Most Earth-Like Exoplanets (So Far)

With nearly 2000 exoplanets found to date, it is no wonder so many of them will resemble our planet in some way. But which exoplanets are similar enough to the Earth that they could actually be habitable? View the Known Universe. Plastic-Eating Mealworms Could Help Reduce Landfill Waste. Mealworms could be the natural trash-disposers we need to battle the scourge of plastic polluting our planet.

Plastic-Eating Mealworms Could Help Reduce Landfill Waste

The study, published in Environmental Science and Technology, is the first to provide in-depth evidence for how these pudgy little bugs can survive munching on a diet of Styrofoam and other types of polystyrene plastic, which aggregate in landfills and were previously considered non-biodegradable. ”There's a possibility of really important research coming out of bizarre places," said Craig Criddle, a Stanford professor who supervises plastics research, in a statement. "Sometimes, science surprises us. Cerveau : un paraplégique remarche grâce à des électrodes. Un homme paralysé a marché sur une distance de 4 mètres.

Cerveau : un paraplégique remarche grâce à des électrodes

Une grande avancée médicale, qui fait intervenir pour la première fois un système d'électrodes. C’est une belle victoire pour la science. Après cinq années sans marcher, un paraplégique de 26 ans a pu effectuer quelques pas, sur une distance de quatre mètres. Une prouesse médicale qui a été réalisée grâce à un très sophistiqué dispositif constitué d’un électroencéphalogramme mesurant l’activité cérébrale et d’électrodes. Entraînement intensif Le jeune homme avait perdu l’usage de ses jambes à la suite d'un accident : sa moelle épinière avait été sectionnée, empêchant la transmission des messages qui commandent la marche depuis le cerveau.

Une équipe de chercheurs de l’université de Californie, dirigée par le Dr Zoran Nenadic, s’est penchée sur ce cas. Dans ce système, l’électroencéphalogramme remplace en fait la moelle épinière. Source: University of California, Irvine. Most Comprehensive Tree Of Life For 2.3 Million Species Created.

From bacteria to buffalo and mushrooms to minke whales, researchers have for the first time been able to piece together the evolutionary tree of all 2.3 million named species of animals, plants, fungi and microbes.

Most Comprehensive Tree Of Life For 2.3 Million Species Created

This incredible tree of life shows the relationships among all known living species, tracing the origin of life through 3.5 billion years of evolution. L'agriculture sans irrigation pour cultiver sans eau. There's A Global Ocean Beneath The Surface Of Enceladus. Scientists have long suspected that Saturn’s tiny moon Enceladus harbored a subsurface ocean.

There's A Global Ocean Beneath The Surface Of Enceladus

A new study published in the journal Icarus and based on data collected by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, indicates the ocean covers the entire globe. Over the past decade, the Cassini spacecraft has been busy studying the Saturnian system, providing unprecedented data and images of the gas giant and its many moons. How Many Trees Are There Left On Earth? More Than 3 Trillion, Finds Major New Study. New research has provided the most accurate count yet for the number of trees on Earth: 3.04 trillion.

How Many Trees Are There Left On Earth? More Than 3 Trillion, Finds Major New Study

The finding, with 95% accuracy, is about eight times more than previous estimates, but suggests that the number of trees has plummeted 46% since the dawn of human civilization 11,000 years ago – with the number once being above six trillion. The study, published in the journal Nature, was conducted by an international team of researchers and led by Yale University. The tree count was made using a combination of satellite imagery and more than 400,000 ground measurements, with the researchers defining a tree as “a plant with woody stems larger than 10 centimeters [four inches] diameter at breast height.” Supergiant Gas Field In The Mediterranean Doubles Size Record. A gas field so sizeable it is classed as a "supergiant" has been detected off the shore of Egypt.

Supergiant Gas Field In The Mediterranean Doubles Size Record

This field is the biggest known in the Mediterranean, nearly twice as large as the previous record-holder in the area. The discovery was made by the Italian energy group ENI. Theconversation. Europe is famously tesselated, with different cultural and language groups clustering in different regions.


But how did they all get there? And how are they related? One way of answering these questions comes from digging up relics of the past. A Handful Of Bronze-Age Men Could Have Fathered Two Thirds Of Europeans. A Handful Of Bronze-Age Men Could Have Fathered Two Thirds Of Europeans. What Happens When You Drop A Magnet Through A Copper Tube? Ahh, Physics, you never cease to astound me.

What Happens When You Drop A Magnet Through A Copper Tube?

Today’s awesome science demo is brought to you by Lenz’s Law. How Do Trees Know When It's Spring? Bill Nye Wants You To Help Him Build A Solar Powered Spacecraft. Have you ever wanted to join Bill Nye the Science Guy on a cosmic adventure? Well, now’s your chance. Using the funding platform Kickstarter, Nye is raising funds to launch his LightSail project, which will try to sail a tiny spacecraft using the sun’s energy.

The LightSail mission hopes to actualize the principles first described by their “visionary founders” Louis Friedman, Bruce Murray and Carl Sagan. Large Deposit of Metal Balls Discovered In Atlantic Ocean. Though they were originally searching for deep sea organisms in January, a group of researchers made a very different discovery. While trawling and taking pictures of the seafloor in tropical Atlantic waters about 5,000-5,500 meters (16,400-18,000 feet) below the surface, the crew discovered their gear was getting caught up on unknown objects. When the equipment returned to the surface, they were stunned to find that it was actually manganese nodules from a deposit much larger than any previously discovered in that ocean.

The joint announcement comes from the University of Hamburg and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany. "We did not expect that at this point," lead scientist Colin Devey said in a press release. Nodule formation is an incredibly painstaking process. Photos du journal - I fucking love science. What Did Neanderthals Sound Like? Les grandes marées, un phénomène astronomique exceptionnel. Iodine Clock Reaction Will Dazzle You. As we head toward a week filled with holiday parties, avoid getting stuck in mind-numbing small talk and perform a chemical reaction that is guaranteed to dazzle your co-workers, friends, and family: the iodine clock. Though two clear solutions are added together, a short wait turns the solution into the deep blue hue of iodine. The first step is the slow step, where iodine is created as a product.

Five Ways To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter. If you live in a poorly insulated home, and many of us do, you could spend thousands this winter on energy bills. But our ancestors had many ways to keep snug at little or no cost. Now, thanks to modern infrared cameras and advances in environmental physics, we can understand how these methods work and measure how effective they are. The key to understanding how to keep warm is the fact you lose more heat by radiation to your surroundings than you do by convection to the air. This is why your house feels so cold when you get back from a winter break, even after you’ve turned on the central heating; though the air quickly warms up, the walls take far longer to do so and may continue to make you shiver for up to a day.

What Commercial Aircraft Will Look Like In 2050. The aircraft industry is expecting a seven-fold increase in air traffic by 2050, and a four-fold increase in greenhouse gas emissions unless fundamental changes are made. But just how “fundamental” will those changes need to be and what will be their effect on the aircraft we use? The crucial next step towards ensuring the aircraft industry becomes greener is the full electrification of commercial aircraft. That’s zero CO2 and NOx emissions, with energy sourced from power stations that are themselves sustainably fuelled.

Les robots vont-ils tuer la classe moyenne? AeroMobil présente son prototype de voiture volante. Grande nouvelle pour les fans de science-fiction ! Mercredi 29 octobre, la société slovaque AeroMobil a dévoilé son prototype de voiture volante, l'AeroMobil 3, à l'occasion du festival des pionniers de Vienne. Design futuriste et épuré, ailes rétractable, le Flying Roadster peut parcourir jusqu'à 700 km de vol et emprunter des routes classiques.

Il a besoin de 250 mètres de piste pour décoller et de 50 mètres pour atterrir, explique le Guardian. "En dépit du faible centre de gravité du véhicule, le Roadster pourra atterrir sur des étendues de pelouse ou même des terres agricoles", a précisé Stefan Klein, concepteur de ce bijou technologique au Guardian. Le mouvement brownien. Brownian Motion. Sound, Water and Camera Make A Zigzag of Awesome. Bizarre Chemical Reaction Looks Like A Portal To Hell. New Crystal Can Absorb Huge Amounts Of Oxygen And Store It For Later. Concrete Cast of Ant Nest Reveals Huge Underground Metropolis. Printable Solar Cells One Step Closer To Reaching The Shelves. For the last seven years, a bunch of Australian materials scientists from CSIRO, Monash University and the University of Melbourne have been developing a technique to print solar cells onto plastic surfaces.

Meet The Next Generation of Waste-Free Food Packaging. The new school year is now underway and it’s time to start thinking about what is in your child’s lunch. You Can Now Access All Of Richard Feynman's Physics Lectures For Free. Supersonic Submarine Could Travel From Shanghai to San Francisco in 100 Minutes.


Pedale stuff. Astronomy - Universe. Is Your Red The Same As My Red? Inventor Develops Synthetic "Leaf" That Produces Oxygen. Hummingbirds Are More Efficient Than Helicopters When It Comes To Hovering. “Quantum Cheshire Cat” Phenomenon Observed For The First Time. Towers Produce Clean Drinking Water From Thin Air.

Ma semaine avec des Google Glass. MIMIC-TPW. Lightning captured at 7,207 images per second. McPhy, une entreprise qui met l’hydrogène en galettes. Et si vous contrôliez vos rêves grâce à l'électricité. Biologie synthétique : le tour de la levure. Pourquoi la création du premier organisme vivant semi-synthétique est une nouvelle étape du vivant. Self-Destructing Bacteria Heals Cracked Concrete. F1 2014 : les secrets des nouveaux V6 turbo hybrides. Histoire de la chirurgie. Prehistoric Warriors-Titanis. Mars Exploration Program: Interactive: Billion-Pixel View of Mars from Curiosity Rover.

Supercalculateur : la Chine de nouveau 1ere superpuissance mondiale avec Tianhe-2. Google Loon ou l'accès Internet grâce à des ballons dans la stratosphère. Google Loon : des ballons pour connecter le monde à Internet. Une trombe marine à Nice. Le contrôle gestuel sans caméra, c'est possible. Amazing photo of chemical bonds. Test printers 3D. Un visage imprimé en 3D pour une reconstruction faciale. First 3D Printed Skateboard. Recharger votre smartphone en 20 secondes, c'est possible. S0912. In Defense of Carbon Dioxide. Does CO2 always correlate with temperature (and if not, why not?)

Japon : première extraction de « glace qui brûle » en milieu marin.