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Search Engine Optimization Made Simple: Five Steps to Build Web Pages that Use Search Engine Optimization. Trying to get visitors to come to your Web site can be a big challenge. Search engine optimization attempts to take some of the guesswork out of this challenge by getting your Web pages to place highly in search engines. When you use search engine optimization, you aren't employing tricks or hacks, but instead writing your pages so that they provide exactly what your customers want while simultaneously showing it to the search engines effectively. These five tips will help you learn search engine optimization to get better rankings for your Web pages.

Step One: Pick a Target Phrase When using search engine optimization, you need to determine one phrase that describes what your page is about. This is called your target phrase. A target phrase for your Web page should be three things: Important Your phrase should be an important part of the page information. There are several search engine optimization tools you can use to find good target phrases: Step Two: Analyze Your Competition. Definition: meta tag. A Neil Patel SEO Recipe - Add a Dash of This Tweet Sauce to Boost Your Search Engine Rankings!

There’s no question about the value of getting more tweets to get more exposure for you and your site…but now there is evidence that tweets (including retweets) actually impact your rankings. The results of this recent study by branded3 suggested that URLs that were shared on Twitter got a boost in rankings. For example: 50 tweets or less – From 1 to 50 tweets, URLs received ranking improvement. After 50, the benefits of tweets declined.5,000 tweets – For URLs that receive an average of 5,000 tweets, the ranking improves dramatically.7,500 tweets – These URLs were guaranteed to show up in the top five SERPs on Google. Here’s a quick snapshot of ranking positions based upon tweets: To give you an idea of what kind of URLs get that kind of action…and why…I did an informal study on my site to see which of my posts got 1,000 tweets or more. I looked over the last six months of posts, and the typical tweet range is between 5,000 and 150 tweets…with 1,000 being pretty average.

Conclusion. SEO Isn't Magic - So Stop Doing SEO Tricks. Hi everybody! My name is Ruth Burr and I’m the new Lead SEO here at SEOmoz. I’m super excited to be here! I’ll be posting on SEO here regularly going forward, but for my first post I wanted to tell you guys that when it comes to SEO, this is how I roll: I know a woman who’s recently lost about 30 pounds. She looks great, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone compliment her on her new look and then ask, “What’s your secret?” “Just eating right and exercising,” she replies – and their faces invariably fall. The truth is, we’re all looking for shortcuts to help us get the results we want without putting in the work we need to do to achieve them (think about the “1 Weird Old Trick” ads you see everywhere). SEOs do this all the time. Weaning Ourselves Off of Short-Term Gains Look, I get it, guys. The problem with SEO tricks is that they’re about getting a site to the top of the SERPs regardless of whether it deserves to be there.

SEO is Hard SEO Tactics that Never Stop Working. SEO Workers Search Engine Optimization Analysis Tool Results. SEO Software. Simplified.