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Cynefin Framework

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Cynefin Lego Game. A game to let you experience four of the five domains of Dave Snowden’s Cynefin framework Context The Cynefin Lego Game is part of agile42’s management training for the Agile Management Framework. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany License. What It Is A game to let you experience four of the five domains of Dave Snowden’s Cynefin framework.

Using Lego, you go through four exercises where the problem to solve and the context you work in is designed to create a simple, complicated, complex and chaotic system. Why You’d Use It When leading or managing agile transitions, it is important to know what type of system you are dealing with. Timing The game shouldn’t take more than 60 minutes. Material and Environment Tables for groups of three/four, about 200 bricks of Lego in 6-10 colours in different sizes with about 10% special bricks (flowers, wheels, ...) per table.

Instructions Draw the diagram above on a flip chart. Exercise 1: Simple The Challenge Debriefing. Chaos & disorder. On Sense-Making, and Cynefin | Inside A simple explanation of the Cynefin Framework. David Snowden - Kumvana Keynote Panel. The Cynefin Framework. Risk and Resilience. Longitude. Adapting the Cynefin Framework to Encompass Systemic Change. Cognitive Edge.