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Cavalier king charles spaniel shedding. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a toy dog, lively and energetic and always happy to be with their owners. One of the most adaptable of breeds, this furry-eared pooch is extremely friendly and loves to hang out with children and other dogs. They are eager to please, patient and do not need a lot of exercise. It is easy to welcome a Cavalier of any age to your home. Do Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Shed a Lot? The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a lovely dog breed, but they do come with some health issues. One such problem is fur shedding. Learn about Cavalier King Charles Spaniel shedding and how to manage it! Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are known for their multicolored coats. The reality is nobody likes shedding on their clothes or in their house.

Facts and Tips about Shedding With prevention and care one can easily manage and care for the cuddly and friendly Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Spring and Fall Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will shed some hair around your home.