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Sea of Shoes: HAIR HOW-TO. I am sometimes asked how I style my hair, and while my method is far from perfect, I thought I'd show you how! My hair is pretty straight and fine naturally and I always let it air dry. Since I go about three days between washes, I like to curl it on the first day and let it mellow out into some nice waves over the next two. Let's get started! If your hair doesn't hold curl very well then you may want to put a palmful of curling mousse in it when it is halfway dry. (though I want to upgrade to one of the fancy new ones from Sultra soon!) When I'm done curling the bottom section, I mist it with Bumble and bumble Spray de Mode and comb through the curl with my fingers.

Ahh!! If you want to dress it up a little, you can do a braided headband look! Find a spot on the opposite side of your head and pin it so that it blends in naturally with the rest of your hairstyle. Well, that's it! DIY Toner - Homemade Facial Toner Recipe - The Daily Green - StumbleUpon. BRUSH UP - A CLEAN CANVAS - Photos: justin coit + post designed by kristin ess Lots of requests for a very basic blow out.

Here’s your step by step! I’ll do one for curly hair and one for fine hair as well. These are the basics steps for anyone with wavy and/or thick hair like Lauren’s. Tools: Blow dryer with the nozzle, leave-in conditioner or detangler, protective serum or frizz taming serum, medium to large round brush, clips. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Xx Kristin Tags: basic blow dry, blow, blow dry, blowdry, how to, kristin ess, lauren conrad, out, the beauty department,, tutorial Related posts: About us - Photo by kristin ess, graphic design by eunice chun, post by amy nadine A couple months ago you got to know our lovely Kristin Ess, who creates all the hair + nail tutorials, when she popped out to say hello here! I’ve been meaning to as well but you know how things go… anyway, here I am! I’m Amy Nadine and the other half of The Beauty Department. I create all of the makeup tutorials and have so much fun doing every single one of them that I have to pinch myself.

I love teaching as much as I love makeup, so co-founding our little blog has been heaven for me. I grew up in a political family just outside of Washington DC and loved public service, but mostly loved studying the many different faces that greeted me when we campaigned door to door. When we were asked to participate in the Styld.By campaign for the GAP in Rue Magazine, not only were we totally honored, but we thought this would be a great way to introduce ourselves to you guys one at a time!