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« Nous tombons amoureux d’idées bidons générées par les tendances... La pub est devenue une bulle d’illusions auto flagorneuses vampirisée par les promesses technologiques ?

« Nous tombons amoureux d’idées bidons générées par les tendances...

C’est l’avis d’Amir Kassaei, CCO de DDB Worldwide. INfluencia l’a rencontré en exclusivité pendant les Cannes Lions 2015. « Nous tombons amoureux d’idées bidons générées par les tendances... The History And Future Of Account Planning: A Female Perspective. The strategic planning community gathered last month to recognize the induction of Jane Newman into the Advertising Hall of Fame and garner support for her charity, The Thorn Tree Project, which funds education in northern Kenya.

The History And Future Of Account Planning: A Female Perspective

To mark this event, a panel was assembled to discuss the continued role of planning in advancing creatively relevant, strategic ideas in the world of advertising. The panel, which was hosted at Grind and moderated by BBH’s Sarah Watson, included Jane Newman, MT Rainey, Lauren Turner, Rosemarie Ryan, Robin Hafitz and Merry Baskin. Newman led and trained the panelists at Chiat\Day (whom were all women) back in the 1980’s before the agency had merged with TBWA and Omnicom. Chiat\Day would not only come to be recognized as Agency of the Decade, but it would also become the first American agency to harness the power of account planning in the advertising and media industries (before media agencies were separated into independent entities). Sorrell: native advertising blurs editorial, advertising lines. Martin Sorrell, WPP Group CEO, believes there are two forces at play in media: programmatic and content.

Sorrell: native advertising blurs editorial, advertising lines

And the effect of both makes native advertising, the latest publisher gambit for premium pricing, an inevitability and a danger if not done right. In a conversation with News Corp CEO Robert Thompson at Advertising Week Europe in London, Sorrell said the tough times for publishers has made them more “flexible” in working with advertisers. That’s manifested itself in native advertising, which has become a standard practice at publishers new and old — including Thompson’s own stable of newspaper properties. “We welcome that,” Sorrell noted. “I think those boundaries between editorial and the business side are breaking down. Thompson, whose Wall Street Journal recently joined in on the native-ad gold rush, agreed that it was mostly a benign development, although he sounded an equally cautious note about the transparency of native ads.

Google is still a frenemy. Image via WPP. Ten digital strategists to watch in 2013. In the long history of advertising, digital strategy is only a recent development.

Ten digital strategists to watch in 2013

It's an amalgamation of brand planning, product strategy, analytics, experience design, channel planning and research. But the most important prerequisite is a love of the digital world. Being in its infancy, there remains no clear-cut career path for the profession as we continue to navigate unchartered territory. We are witnessing a marketing renaissance and as such, the industry is by no means void of luminaries. The following list identifies the up and coming superstars of a burgeoning profession; pioneers who are worth keeping an eye on as they continue to carve the future of digital strategy for generations to come. 1.

Nicole Victor was most recently the Global Head of Planning for Huge in the UK. 2. Niccolo Rigo as a strategist at the London-based digital agency Work Club. 3. Branislav Peric works as a founder and strategy lead at Blast Radius Paris. L'Observatoire Influencia - La créativité au service du luxe. Publié le 18 décembre 2013 Au Cristal Festival, le jury "Luxe", qui réunit les présidents de l’ensemble des jurys, a récompensé Wüsthof, marque allemande de couteaux.

L'Observatoire Influencia - La créativité au service du luxe

Yves Hanania, fondateur de l’agence Lighthouse* et juré donne sa définition du luxe et remet en question les ingrédients d’une bonne campagne. En attribuant, cette année, le prix à Wüsthof, marque allemande de couteaux, le jury témoigne de son désir de favoriser plus l’idée créative que la qualité d’exécution qui reste l’apanage des marques de luxe. Ce dernier comporte, en effet, trop de facettes pour en tirer une définition simple et l’enfermer dans une série de caricatures que l’on peut facilement rejeter.

Les critères d’appréciation sont multiples. Il est difficile de juger une campagne qui ressemble, même pour un jury averti, à toutes les autres campagnes. Le medium c’est le message : pourquoi faire de la pub sur iPad est plus incitatif. Why You're More Likely To Buy Something When Shopping On Your iPad. People tend to increase the value of an item the moment they take ownership of it.

Why You're More Likely To Buy Something When Shopping On Your iPad

Psychologists call this the "endowment effect. " It shows up even in trivial things, like coffee mugs or chocolate bars, that people just received in a lab setting. The slightly irrational new owners of these items want much more money for them than rational buyers are willing to pay. Monkeys do it, too. Evidently it's evolutionary. So strong is the endowment effect that we don't have to physically own something for the effect to take hold. That evidence has clear implications for consumers: toucher beware. Recently, Boston College researchers S. "The core thing that we're starting to work on is this idea that the interfaces that people are using to access content can really fundamentally change the way we see that content," Brasel tells Co.Design.

Brasel and Gips designed two experiments to test that idea. 30 secondes pour changer le monde. Serez-vous prêts quand la pub «à la papa» va disparaître? Jean-Pascal Mathieu, directeur de l'innovation de Nurun et directeur de Nurun Lab.

Serez-vous prêts quand la pub «à la papa» va disparaître?