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Brighton Launch

The Brighton Launch Adult Program is designed for young adults, 18+, with learning challenges, who are preparing to move from school to post-school activities, including employment or supported employment, further education, independent or supported living, and community participation.

Job Training for Adults with Autism and other Intellectual Challenges Toronto. Our Part-time WE Program is designed for students who want to focus on Work Experience Skills and Career Development, while continuing to improve their Digital Literacy, Communication, and Social Skills.

Job Training for Adults with Autism and other Intellectual Challenges Toronto

The program assists with planning and understanding the opportunities in employment for adults with autism and other disabilities. This program runs three days a week, 9 – 5, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from September to the end of June. It is suitable for students wishing to gain experience and develop skills in the workplace. Ongoing Skills Assessments by Coaches track and guide progress through the program. FNS E-Social - brightonlaunch. Open Houses - brightonlaunch. Launch Virtual Camp - brightonlaunch. Social Skills for Young Adults with Disabilities. Being social is an essential part of a happy adult life.

Social Skills for Young Adults with Disabilities

We love our friends! Fees & Funding - brightonlaunch. For the 2020-2021 year: Full-time program: $27,900Includes both Independent Living Skills and Work Experience programs Part-time TWTh (WE) program: $21,000Program focusses on Work Experience (WE) Part-time MWF (ILS) program: $18,900Program focuses on Independent Living Skills (ILS) All programs run from September to the end of June; 9:00 – 5:00.

Fees & Funding - brightonlaunch

Note that during COVID, Launch is closing at 4:00 to allow enhanced cleaning of the facilities. Fees are paid in three installments: upon acceptance, July 1 and November 1. Additional FeesAll students participate in our Real Economy program which covers all student lunches, transportation fees, excursion and admission fees, gym membership, and discretionary spending money.

Brighton Launch Adult Programs meet criteria for both RESP funding and the Developmental Services Ontario PASSPORT Program. Who is eligible for Passport Funding? Passport Admissible Expenses Click here to find out more about DSO and Passport Funding. Camp - brightonlaunch. Life Skills Program - The Best Transition to Adulthood for Young Adults with Autism. As teenagers with autism approach adulthood, they face new challenges in their day-to-day lives.

Life Skills Program - The Best Transition to Adulthood for Young Adults with Autism

Many will be able to live independently but may need a little help learning the skills necessary to keep their own home, successfully hold down a job and have a happy and fulfilling social life. That is where a life skills program for autism becomes useful. The program runs full time or part time. What is BLC? - brightonlaunch. Great question!

What is BLC? - brightonlaunch

BLC stands for Brighton Launch Creations and is our in-house social enterprise and internal work experience program that produces handmade spa products. These are entirely made by our talented students, and sold in our online store. (Take a look!) Not only do we make some beautiful bath bombs, lip balms, bath salts, soaps and scrubs, but BLC was designed so that we could we teach our students valuable work skills in the process.

Work Experience Program - brightonlaunch. Our Part-time WE Program is designed for students who want to focus on Work Experience Skills and Career Development, while continuing to improve their Digital Literacy, Communication, and Social Skills.

Work Experience Program - brightonlaunch

This program runs three days a week, 9 – 5, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from September to the end of June. It is suitable for students wishing to gain experience and develop skills in the workplace. Ongoing Skills Assessments by Coaches track and guide progress through the program. Understanding Learning Challenges of Young Adults with Brighton Launch. When it comes to finding a developmental disabilities program in Toronto for young children and teens, there are plenty of choices available.

Understanding Learning Challenges of Young Adults with Brighton Launch

But what about later on, as teenagers approach adulthood? This is a challenging time for any young person, but it’s particularly hard for those with learning difficulties. Brighton Launch aims to fill the gap with a range of programs to suit most needs. From providing essential training in literacy and numeracy to improving communication skills, handling money and even an onsite work experience centre, students are encouraged to progress at their own pace. What makes Brighton Launch different? Brighton Launch has been created to appeal specifically to older teens and young adults. Programs can be undertaken full time or part time, so every participant can benefit from the parts of the programs that are most suitable for their needs. How Day Programs Help Adults with Disabilities Remain Active. Trying to come up with your own day programs for adults with disabilities is a big task.

How Day Programs Help Adults with Disabilities Remain Active

As anyone with a young adult around the house knows, this is an age for lounging around in bedrooms or getting up to mischief; neither of which tend to result in particularly positive outcomes. When the young adult in question has a learning disability or other challenges to deal with, inspiring any motivation can become even more difficult to address. That’s why it is well worth seeking out dedicated day programs that will help keep the challenged young adult in your life occupied, entertained and motivated. Why keeping active is important Without regular exercise and appropriate nutrition, our bodies simply do not perform at their best ability. Life confined to the home has been challenging for just about everyone during the pandemic, with mental issues a particular concern.

However, as we all know, keeping active both mentally and physically is essential for good health. Life Skills Program - brightonlaunch. Our Part-time Life Skills program is designed for students wanting to focus on Independent Living Skills, while continuing to improve their Language, Communication and Social Skills.

Life Skills Program - brightonlaunch

The ILS program focuses on skills in the domains of learning below. This program runs three days a week, 9 – 5, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from September to the end of June. The part-time Life Skills program is suitable for students not wishing to participate in our Work Experience program. Ongoing Skills Assessments by Coaches track and guide progress through the program.

Full Time Program - brightonlaunch.