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Bright Brain Marketing Technologies

Bright Brain, a leading digital marketing company in Pune Mumbai, helps your business to increase sales with an impactful online presence

Brightbraintech. As we are living and breathing in a digital world, it’s hard not to notice that technology is constantly evolving, and so are the ever-rising demands of tech-savvy consumers.


IT companies, being the masters of innovation, brilliantly tackle this challenge by manufacturing futuristic products, every now and then. The next big challenge is introducing and selling these products to the right audience, at the right time, and via the right digital platforms – all to secure a bright future for them. To spread awareness about these high-tech products and showcase them to the world in all their glory, proactive digital marketing for IT companies is a must! Here are some of the most effective ways of digital marketing for software companies- Best Marketing Strategies For IT Companies: Know Your Audience: First things first – if you don’t know who you are selling to, you have lost half the battle. Content Marketing: Everyone loves technology, but not everyone is tech-savvy. Brightbraintech. Evolution is the reason that you are here, reading and comprehending this text with zero difficulty.


To put it briefly, it is the key to unlocking one’s true potential and improving the quality of life. The topic of evolution is an extensive one; however, here we’ll be limiting it to the marketing space. The catalysts of the evolution of Digital marketing are three key technological advancements – the arrival of Internet, Big data & smartphones. There are almost 4.66 billion active internet users and 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide. 1.7MB of data was created per person per second throughout 2020. We produce 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day – and these numbers are only rising.

Brightbraintech. Digital marketing has taken the world by storm and the Pharmaceutical sector has significantly experienced this transformation.


With each passing day, new means are getting devised to bridge the gap between Pharmaceutical companies and its customers. Digital marketing in the pharmaceutical industry in India can be a little challenging but with the right approach, anything is possible. Here’s a glimpse at how we can achieve perfection in this aspect. Digital Marketing Strategies for Footwear Brands.

Thousands of people across the globe seek and find their perfect fit on an hourly basis, ensuring that there’s plenty for brands to tap into when it comes to the global luxury footwear market.

Digital Marketing Strategies for Footwear Brands

To put this fact into figures: – Formal shoe luxury footwear led the market and accounted for 58.3% share of the global revenue in 2019. – The global market size is anticipated to reach USD 49.01 billion by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2020 to 2027. Top 21 Digital Marketing Trends To Look For in 2021. Having a robust digital presence is now more important than ever, as content consumption and shopping move online at a rapid pace.

Top 21 Digital Marketing Trends To Look For in 2021

So to make your business not just survive but thrive in this age of innovation, here’s a list of 21 digital marketing trends that will pave the way for 2021 to be a year full of futuristic opportunities. 1. Shoppable posts There is no denying that as social media usage rises, social media and e-commerce go hand in hand. It’s no surprise as to why brands are using the two together and trying to increase their sales opportunities. Visual platforms such as Instagram (and now many others too) offer an opportunity to showcase your products to your followers or a specific target audience with the help of shoppable posts in order to elevate a user’s shopping experience.

Digital Marketing Strategy For Real Estate. 2020 has been a year of transformation for many of us.

Digital Marketing Strategy For Real Estate

The slow and steady acclimatization of the entire world with the phase of ‘New Normal’ has rapidly advanced the adoption of digital marketing. People all around the globe are now utilizing the internet to materialize all sorts of dreams. And if 2020 has impelled them to explore everything online, even their dream home, then why shouldn’t every real estate marketing company seize this golden opportunity. From the perspective of a real estate digital marketing agency, here are our 12 aspects to consider to develop a marketing strategy that will help you give rise to a successful real estate campaign. 1.

Very often, our website is the first touchpoint for a potential client, making a user friendly and professional website an absolute must! A/B Testing In Digital Marketing: Scope, Importance and How It Works. In the digital marketing realm, success is when users engage with your brand and complete the desired goal.

A/B Testing In Digital Marketing: Scope, Importance and How It Works

An effective digital marketing strategy or website design is one where a website visitor or an ad viewer sticks around until the end and completes the purchase or spends a significant amount of time on your website, clicking and scanning through the web of pages. Now, the million dollar question – how do we get them to actually buy what we are selling? Converting traffic into loyal customers through effective conversion rate optimization is a challenging task. Today, low quality leads are knocking on B2B businesses’ doors, while E-commerce brands are facing a high cart abandonment rate. Digital Communication Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Game changers in the field of digital marketing are characterized by the way they define their brand.

Digital Communication Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide

To make an everlasting impression on our audience, we need to create a successful communication strategy for digital campaigns. A well-polished communication strategy helps us in delivering high-quality content to our audiences in the most optimum way. When it comes to crafting a communication strategy, four major questions arise. Best 10 Customer Retention Strategies in Digital Marketing. 1.

Best 10 Customer Retention Strategies in Digital Marketing

Maintaining the integrity & quality of our services: Any company must live up to its promises while delivering its services. Any inconsistency between what was promised and what is being delivered can hamper the brand impression. A customer invests a lot of time and energy in making his/her decision about a particular service. Hence, there should be no gaps between the communicated benefits and the final product or experience. 2.

Graphic Design in Digital Marketing. When you think digital, you think highly measurable, data-driven, metric-driven, and so on.

Graphic Design in Digital Marketing

But, there’s more to digital marketing than these heavy terms – no matter the brand, no matter the strategy, no matter the goal, as long as there is a curious audience involved, it’s important to get creative in digital marketing; it’s important to use our minds to win hearts. Amidst the technicalities of digital marketing, creativity may seem like a superfluous concept, but in retrospect, it lies at the crux of it all. Now, words can be deceiving but numbers don’t lie! Here is some data that’ll settle the age-old battle of creative thinking vs. critical thinking, and prove that both are equally important when it comes to designing for digital marketing- 76% of Marketers believe that attractive design makes your business seem larger than it actually is.

Fitness Industry Marketing. Given the current circumstances, wellness is now everyone’s top priority. To make the most of the #StayAtHome period, people have resorted to various forms of fitness regimes – Yoga, Pilates, Aerobics, Zumba – all to keep themselves occupied and healthy. Free online guidance provided by Health & Fitness experts has kept the motivation up and running.

However, the early stages of enthusiasm see their end sooner rather than later as people outgrow this interest. The Health & Fitness sector needs the kind of audience that is looking for long-term solutions and to whom health and fitness routines are a priority and not a passing phase. To catch the attention of this potential target market for health and wellness, your business needs to have well-thought-out online fitness marketing strategies in place. In this blog, we shall discuss different ways that can help you accelerate your fitness business online – right from defining your target audience to marketing strategies! How To Get Real Estate Leads Online. The COVID-19 crisis that arrived early this year shook most industries to the core. Real Estate being among the most affected ones struggled to keep its head out of the water during the initial phases of lockdown. The number of property registrations reduced drastically as a result of a dip in the overall economy.

During these testing times, Digital Marketing swiftly came to the rescue. Best Digital Promotion Strategies for Festive Season. As the world adapts to the new way of things, digital marketing is redefining growth for brands across multiple sectors around the globe! Before the COVID-19 crisis, brands were already well on their way to making digital strategies a significant part of their growth plan. The pandemic has proven to be a catalyst of this change as locked-in users have found their sweet escape via The Internet. As a consequence, consumer behaviour has changed significantly since the advent of COVID-19. Internet hits have surged by 50-70% during the pandemic, according to Forbes. Consumers from 35 to 44 age bracket have increased their internet usage by 11%, while millennials by 5-7%. These facts and figures have compelled brands to adapt much faster. Benefits of Amazon PPC Campaign Management. 5 Best Digital Advertising Channels.

People today are glued to their phones, checking their social media right from the moment they wake up in the morning till they shut their eyes at night. Social media is one true constant partner everybody carries these days. People spend an average of 2.5 hours a day on social media.