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Comment IKEA réussit à rester au plus près du quotidien des Français. Avec sa plateforme publicitaire relancée par Buzzman, IKEA s’intéresse de près à l’impact de ses produits sur la vie des Français.

Comment IKEA réussit à rester au plus près du quotidien des Français

7 Keys To Evaluating Brand Ideas. My team and I were once summoned to the home office in New York to review the final pitch to a highly coveted account that we had managed to lure for their national business.

7 Keys To Evaluating Brand Ideas

There, in the large but tightly packed theater at our office on Lexington Ave., we were shown the PowerPoint that would delineate the various points of our strategy. Immediately, I noticed a problem. L’impact de la pub mobile dans le secteur Auto. Uber et Transavia vous proposent de partir 48h en Europe pour 70€ là tout de suite maintenant ! - Piwee. Brands Need A Creative Renaissance. Nearly infinite channels and touchpoints have created unlimited possibilities for brands to interact with their customers.

Brands Need A Creative Renaissance

With so much opportunity, it’s hard to imagine the effectiveness of advertising is in decline. Yet it is. Don’t Let Creative Threaten The Strategy. Creative without strategy is called ‘art.’

Don’t Let Creative Threaten The Strategy

Creative with strategy is called ‘advertising.’ ~ Jef Richards Brands that forget this will always pay a price either in failed campaigns, lost market share or worse depending on the stakes. Creative – in either form – often emerges as a threat when introduced out of the natural order that governs the building of brands. As all seasoned marketers know, first, you study the market. Second, you position the brand.

Has Your Brand Become Too Serious? Branding is a serious business, but does that mean brands themselves must always be so serious.

Has Your Brand Become Too Serious?

Is there room for more personality? In market after market, CMOs are under pressure to deliver more outputs and bigger numbers. Strategy Is Not About The Competition. The concept of strategy originates in war, where the objective is to destroy the enemy.

Strategy Is Not About The Competition

In business, if the enemy is your competitor, then the objective of strategy must be to crush the competition. Michael Porter gave academic standing to this way of thinking when he made popular the idea of “competitive advantage” with his best-selling textbook, Competitive Strategy, published in 1980. Renault va ouvrir un 'Innovation Lab' en plein Paris : le 'Square' Après son "Atelier" sur l'avenue des Champs-Elysées, ouvert au grand public, Renault se dote d'une deuxième vitrine en plein Paris : le "Square", un nouvel "Innovation Lab" du groupe.

Renault va ouvrir un 'Innovation Lab' en plein Paris : le 'Square'

La nouvelle Renault Alpine, à fond dans le 2.0. Airbnb augmente encore sa valorisation. How Brand Rivals Can Win Together. Branding is competitive.

How Brand Rivals Can Win Together

It’s about staking out the right to earn over others. But when that competitive streak becomes obsessive, brands lose objectivity and that can cost them dearly. Ken Favaro identified the ironies in a piece on strategy’s connection to competition a couple of years ago. First, the upside of competition: the halo effect. When brands build awareness of, and then demand for, what they offer, they also build demand for those around them. Airbus Just Pulled The Wraps Off Its 'Flying Car' Concept, And It Looks Amazing. Spotify se moque du nom de vos playlists. 4 playlists et un enterrement.

Spotify se moque du nom de vos playlists

Il y a 3 mois Spotify lançait une campagne d’affichage mondiale révélant les datas musicales de ses utilisateurs. Nokia va relancer la production de son mythique téléphone 3310. Lego lance un réseau social pour que les enfants puissent partager leurs créations. La célèbre entreprise Lego vient de lancer un réseau social spécial pour les enfants de moins de 13 ans.Lego Life a été conçu afin que les enfants partagent leurs constructions et découvrent ce que les autres membres font.

Lego lance un réseau social pour que les enfants puissent partager leurs créations

Ce nouveau réseau social a été créé pour les tablettes avec une version Amazon Kindle Fire et iOS. Et la sécurité dans tout ça ? Rachat de Harman International : et si l'avenir de Samsung était dans la voiture connectée ? - ZDNet. Titan : c'est un nom de projet qui traduit de grandes ambitions. Sauf que ses ambitions, Apple les aurait profondément revues dans le domaine de l'automobile. Son grand rival, le coréen Samsung, ne les cache pas dans ce secteur. Chine. La "fête des célibataires" profite à Alibaba : record de ventes. La "fête des célibataires" a de nouveau permis mercredi au géant du secteur Alibaba de battre un record de ventes de plusieurs milliards d'euros. Lamborghini CEO Stefano Domenicali. Lamborghini is about to become bigger than it’s ever been since it was founded in 1963 – much bigger.

The expansion will be driven by the addition of a luxurious, high-performance SUV previewed by the Urus concept at the 2012 edition of the Beijing Auto Show. Officials predict the brand will be able to sell 3,500 examples of the off-roader annually. Annual sales of the Huracán and the Aventador will be capped at approximately 3,500 units combined to maintain exclusivity, meaning the Raging Bull’s annual output will balloon to about 7,000 cars. Artificial Intelligence And Sexy Bezel-Free Phones Are The Future.

To see into the future, even just by a few minutes, is a superhero-style gift none of us have. Except, in a twist of fate, we’ve been granted the power of foresight, and have used it to see into the future of smartphones. No, we didn’t get bitten by a radioactive spider or suffer a risky experiment-gone-wrong. We just used two concept-style phones that are way ahead of their time: the Xiaomi Mi Mix and the Honor Magic. China is Now the World's Biggest Producer of Solar Energy. Why it matters to you While China's solar energy capacity isn't that impressive when compared to the size of its population, it's showing a renewed dedication to renewable energy.

Not only is it the world’s most populous country, it’s now also the world’s biggest producer of solar energy. On Saturday, the National Energy Administration (NEA) noted that the nation officially claimed the title after doubling its installed photovoltaic (PV) capacity last year. Rolls-Royce veut lancer des remorqueurs et ferries autonomes en 2020. La conduite autonome, ce n'est pas que sur la route ou dans les airs… c'est aussi sur l'eau. Why American Brands Should Avoid Politics. It seems to be the question of the moment, in meeting after meeting: “If you were preparing a strategy for an American brand right now, what would you tell them to do?”

At one level, I get the question. As consumers react to what they see or believe about the world today, the threat to overtly nationalistic brands seems very real. That’s because consumers can lump country and brand together, according to Tony Chapman. And if buyers could bundle ideology with country, that suggests an increasing tendency to tie politics to brands.