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Edit Flow. Edit Flow empowers you to collaborate with your editorial team inside WordPress. We've made it modular so you can customize it to your needs: Calendar - A convenient month-by-month look at your content.Custom Statuses - Define the key stages to your workflow.Editorial Comments - Threaded commenting in the admin for private discussion between writers and editors.Editorial Metadata - Keep track of the important details.Notifications - Receive timely updates on the content you're following.Story Budget - View your upcoming content budget.User Groups - Keep your users organized by department or function.

More details for each feature, screenshots and documentation can be found on our website. We'd love to hear from you! 35 Security Plugins to Make Your Wordpress Bulletproof. WordPress is the most popular blogging platform today. It’s being used by thousands of people all around the world. But because of the popularity, it’s getting more attention by hackers and spammers too. WordPress is very secure by itself, but there’s never too much ascertainable. For simple users,who don’t code a lot, plugins is the best way to secure your blog. They’re free, easily usable and safe. Secure Your Login 1. Semisecure Login Reimagined increases the security of the login process by using a combination of public and secret-key encryption to encrypt the password on the client-side when a user logs in. 2. This plugin allows you to create custom URLs for logging in, logging out, administration and registering for your WordPress blog. 3.

Login LockDown records the IP address and timestamp of every failed login attempt. 4. Whenever you try to login into your website, you can use this plugin to transmit your password encrypted. Admin Area 1. Database 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. myEASYbackup 1. Top WordPress Plugins Every Blog Should Have. The 15 Best WordPress Plugins to Use in 2011. One of the reasons that I’m so madly in love with WordPress is the thousands of plugins available.

It doesn’t matter what you want to accomplish on your blog, there is probably a WordPress plugin that will allow you to do it. This list will provide you with 15 of the best WordPress plugins available today. Only the 15 best WordPress plugins have made it while anything less than amazing has been kicked to the street. Each of these WordPress plugins are used at Site Sketch 101 and I personally recommend each of them to you. The following plugins are posted in the order that I recommend them. The 15 Best WordPress Plugins to Use in 2013 W3 Total Cache - This is one of the best WordPress plugins for two reasons. Group Discussion WordPress plugins are amazing little creations. Which do you consider to be the best WordPress plugins that you use on your site and how many plugins do you use at your site? Plugins and Resources for Improving User Interactivity with Wordpress | Speckyboy Design Magazine. If there is a sense of community and vibrant life surrounding a blog it tends to be successful and ultimately popular – that is a fact.

So, if you own a WordPress blog and you are looking for an effective way to create a real sense of user interactivity on your blog, in this post, I highlight some fantastic plug-ins and resources, that you may not know about, that can be of great help in creating a sense of involvement amongst your blog visitors. Make Your Site Social The Gigya Social optimization plug-in aggregates authentication and social APIs from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, LinkedIn, AOL and other OAuth & OpenID providers, giving sites the ability to authenticate users via social network and OpenID providers and increase site traffic by allowing users to easily share content with their friends and followers.

The plug-in is scalable and secure, using a standard authentication techniques to prevent account spoofing. Make Your Site Social Resources & Tutorials 10 Essential WordPress Plugins You Should Be Using. There’s good reason why WordPress is the most popular blogging platform. It’s easy to use and has tons of great features. But what’s really made this open source software excel is its passionate community. Yes, WordPress has lots of features built in, but it doesn’t have everything. The WordPress community fills this need. It’s full of talented developers that are constantly creating plugins to extend the features and make it even better. There are many WordPress plugins out there, but in this article we’re focusing on the most essential.

All in One SEO Pack All in One SEO Pack optimizes your WordPress blog for search engines. Advanced Canonical URLsFine tune Page Navigational Links Built-in API so other plugins/themes can access and extend functionalityONLY plugin to provide SEO Integration for WP e-Commerce sitesNonce SecuritySupport for CMS-style WordPress installationsAutomatically optimizes your titles for search engines WP Super Cache Google XML Sitemaps Akismet WP-DB-Backup WP-PageNavi. Tweet Blender. Widget in the sidebar blending tweets for @tweetblender user, #tweetblender hashtag, and tweets from @knovitchenko user with #tweetblender hashtags in them Tweets archive page.

Created automatically and tweets are inserted into content automatically; however, you can edit title, tags, and text of the page using regular admin features Widget settings for Tweet Blender widget. This widget can blend tweets for users (e.g. @knovitchenko), hashtages (e.g. #tweetblender), lists (e.g. @user/listname), keywords (e.g. twitter), and filtered sources such as twets from a user that contain a hashtag (e.g.

@knovitchenko|#tweetblender) or tweets from a list that mention a keyword (e.g. @user/listname|keyword) Widget settins for Tweet Blender for Tags. Admin: Cache Manager addon (note: paid module)