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Ui. Prototyping. Tips. Product Planner - View and Create User Flows, Viral Loops, and More. Carousels Design Showcase. Carousels are a popular way to showcase a variety of 'featured' content on a web site's home page.

Carousels Design Showcase

By cycling through the different features they enable a large amount of content to be presented within a set physical space on the page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » StyleList Google Analytics. Clickstream Study Reveals Dynamic Web - fast web navigation in browser study heatmaps. Summary: A new browser study revealed a shift in how we interact with the Web.

Clickstream Study Reveals Dynamic Web - fast web navigation in browser study heatmaps

University of Hamburg researchers found the Web moving from static hypertext information to dynamic interactive services. Clickstream heatmaps and web page statistics show rapid interaction over smaller areas of the screen. The authors recommend that web developers create concise, flexible, and fast loading web pages to keep pace with the speed of web navigation. A recent clickstream study revealed new information about how we use and peruse the Web. tKaap - Galaxy 1.9.