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Saruman staff of power prop replica. Conceptual Nazgûl Armour Page. Raven Bones Cuirass The winter of 2009 saw a bird other than the phoenix rise from the flames.

Conceptual Nazgûl Armour Page

The Raven bone cuirass was wrought with wing and skull motifs, continuing the theme of grotesque gothic armour wickedly. Tire-sculpture-03_6648 from The Tire Art of Wim Delvoye. For his series titled "Pneu", Belgian artist Wim Delvoye created a series of decorative objects by hand-carving intricate patterns and floral motifs on used car tires.

The Tire Art of Wim Delvoye

Through his manipulation of found objects, Delvoye transforms things that seem useful in everyday life into sculptural pieces that carry a different value from their original intended purpose. Delvoye calls his own approach to art ‘glocal’, referring to ‘local’ and ‘global’, which is his own ironical way of describing art. Find out more about Wim's work here. Hyper-Realistic Rubber: Tire Sculpture by Yong Ho Ji. Whenever I take road trips, I often notice the hulking shreds of stripped semi tires laying around, and I’ve always thought two things: one, they look almost organic- like they’re actually the carcasses of some prehistoric animal that blundered its way onto the highway, and two- that that animal must have been damn ugly.

Hyper-Realistic Rubber: Tire Sculpture by Yong Ho Ji

But when I saw a tire sculpture by Yong Ho Ji the other day, I realized I was pretty wrong about the hideous part. He reassembles strips of old tires with resins and screws into gorgeous creatures with predatory stances and sinuous movement. We love our cars, so seeing tires re-purposed after their regular lifespan into perfect manly sculptures is totally bad ass. It’s the macho trifecta: hang one of these rubber animal busts on the wall, and you get the appearance of being an awesome trophy hunter without actually killing any animals, you’re saving the planet by recycling, and your sculpture isn’t some sissy flowers or soapstone carved by a three year old. Recycled Tire Sculptures by Yong Ho Ji. A number of new pieces by Korean sculptor Yong Ho Ji who creates these elaborately layered and textured sculptures using shreds of recycled automobile tires.

Recycled Tire Sculptures by Yong Ho Ji

(via this isn’t happiness) Traveling this week so posting will be regrettably light.