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Speculative realism. The Speculative Realism Aggregator is temporarily offline as I move it to this new website. It will return soon! This page aggregates posts from blogs that cover Speculative Realism in one way or another. This is just an aggregator; aside from the posts that come from this site, all of the others were created by and remain the property of their respective authors. An RSS feed for this aggregator is also available.. You can also follow new posts on Twitter via @specreal, or on Facebook by ‘liking’ the Speculative Realism Page. Recent Posts Posts will return shortly after I fully move this aggregator to this new website. Included blogs Am I missing any? Object-oriented ontology. Object-oriented ontology is often viewed as a subset of speculative realism, a contemporary school of thought that criticizes the post-Kantian reduction of philosophical enquiry to a correlation between thought and being, such that the reality of anything outside of this correlation is unknowable.[5] Object-oriented ontology predates speculative realism, however, and makes distinct claims about the nature and equality of object relations to which not all speculative realists agree.

The term “object-oriented philosophy” was officially coined by Graham Harman, the movement's founder, in his 1999 doctoral dissertation "Tool-Being: Elements in a Theory of Objects. "[6] Since then, a number of theorists working in a variety of disciplines have adapted Harman's ideas, including philosophy professor Levi Bryant, literature and ecology scholar Timothy Morton, video game designer Ian Bogost, and medievalists Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Eileen Joy. Founding of the movement[edit] Withdrawal[edit] Larval Subjects . Onticology– A Manifesto for Object-Oriented Ontology Part I. Context We live in a world pervaded by objects of all kinds, yet nowhere do we have a unified theory or ontology of objects. Whether we are speaking of technological objects, natural objects, commodities, events, groups, animals, institutions, gods, or semiotic objects our historical moment, far from reducing the number of existing objects as alleged by reductive materialisms, has actually experienced a promiscuous proliferation and multiplication of objects of all sorts.

Moreover, this proliferation has caused massive upheaval and transformation all throughout planetary, human, and collective life. In light of this situation one is reminded of the epigraph to Heidegger’s Being and Time: ‘For manifestly you have long been aware of what you mean when you use the expression “being”. This epigraph could just as easily be rephrased substituting the word “object” for “being”. 1781: The Failure of Philosophy Kant sums up this inversion and its spirit early in the Critique of Pure Reason: Onticology– A Manifesto for Object-Oriented Ontology Part 2. Bryant_2011_The Democracy of Objects.pdf (application/pdf Object) OA_Version_Speculative_Turn_9780980668346.pdf (application/pdf Object) Object-Oriented Philosophy. OA_Version_780980544060_Prince_of_Networks.pdf (application/pdf Object)

OOP classic « Object-Oriented Philosophy. The future via Object-Oriented Philosophy by doctorzamalek on 2/26/09 p.s. I also want to say, based on what SBA is saying about the latest issue of Collapse, that it seems very likely that we will see the birth of a full-blown eliminativist camp in whatever continental philosophy will next be called.

When I first met Brassier I was quite shocked by his views (mostly pleasantly), having never encountered anyone from a basically continental background heaping such praise on the Churchlands. Now I get the feeling that Brassier was just ahead of the curve, and others are going to follow, partly under his own influence. In a January post, I semi-jokingly suggested that we could see Speculative Realism break down into any number of possible two-person permutations eventually. But a more fascinating scenario (more flattering to all of us and for that reason perhaps false) would see a clean four-way split. Given that the group was pretty heterogeneous to begin with, it’s a possible scenario.

The Assemblage Theory of Society by Graham Harman. 3907-delandas_ontology_assemblage_and.pdf (application/pdf Object)