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Comment obtenir un maximum de détails dans vos photos | 13-Design. Certains de mes amis aiment que leurs photographies soient nettes comme du cristal, qu’elles aient un piqué incroyable du premier plan à l’arrière plan. Vous êtes comme eux ? Vous n’aimez pas les bords flous et le bokeh ? Vous shootez toujours en pleine journée pour avoir la vitesse d’obturation la plus rapide, et votre objectif n’est jamais d’assez bonne qualité ? Si vous vous êtes reconnus, alors vous connaissez déjà quelques astuces de celles que je vais proposer. Cependant vous pourriez encore apprendre quelques trucs ! En partenariat avec la dixième édition de la boite à photos voici quelques bons conseils pour obtenir des photos toujours nettes et pleines de détails ! Faites la mise au point avec précision Les appareils photo de notre époque sont très performants en ce qui concerne la mise au point automatique, mais bien souvent le point où devrait se trouver la netteté n’est pas précisément là où vous souhaiteriez l’avoir.

N’ayez pas peur de fermer le diaphragme WordPress: Guide to Image Sharpening. Image sharpening is a powerful tool for emphasizing texture and drawing viewer focus. It's also required of any digital photo at some point — whether you're aware it's been applied or not. Digital camera sensors and lenses always blur an image to some degree, for example, and this requires correction.

However, not all sharpening techniques are created equal. When performed too aggressively, unsightly sharpening artifacts may appear. On the other hand, when done correctly, sharpening can often improve apparent image quality even more so than upgrading to a high-end camera lens. sharp cacti at the Huntington Gardens - Pasadena, California Most image sharpening software tools work by applying something called an "unsharp mask," which despite its name, actually acts to sharpen an image.

Photo of the letter "T" Original Sharpened Soft Original Mild Sharpening Over Sharpening note: all images shown at 200% zoom to improve visibility Capture Sharpening Creative Sharpening Output Sharpening Original Image. Objectif Photographe | Devenons ensemble photographe, et vivez la vie de vos rêvesObjectif Photographe | Devenons ensemble photographe, et vivez la vie de vos rêves.

Accueil | F/1.4 – A pleine ouverture. Plan du site | Apprendre la photo, le blog. Bienvenue sur Apprendre la Photo ! Si vous êtes nouveau ici, vous voudrez sans doute lire mon guide qui répond aux 5 problèmes courants des débutants : Cliquez ici pour télécharger le guide gratuitement ! Merci de votre visite, et à bientôt sur Apprendre la Photo ! 🙂 Si vous n’y êtes pas encore passé, je vous conseille de commencer par la page… Par où commencer ? (comme son nom l’indique 😉 ), puis de continuer par le Best Of. anything, site apprendre la photo, plan photo, blog apprendre photo laurent, apprendre l aphoto, site sur la photographie, meilleur site pour apprendre la photographie, apprendre la photo article. Capturing the Heart of Sicily. Photographer Michel Perez captures the essence of Sicilian life in the 1960s for Bambi magazine.

Perez's photo series, A Sicilian Adventure, features Romanian model Catrinel Menghia in captivating scenes. Browsing through the photos, I feel like I'm looking at stills from a Marcello Mastroianni and Sophia Loren film. The outfits are period-appropriate and Menghia's assets are flaunted in the same fashion as Loren in her most popular Italian cinematic roles. Michel Perez's website via [Cuded], [Fashionising] The Commons. Jaime Ibarra Photography. Free Vintage Lightroom Presets. Lately I have had presets on the mind and have been working on some pretty cool presets for Lightroom. More info to come soon on what I have been up to so keep tuned, but today I wanted to share some Lightroom presets I created for a vintage tone.

If you haven’t noticed in the last year vintage is in. Open up any magazine and you will see that a vintage feel is everywhere and sought after with clients. Whether it’s for weddings or portraits clients want vintage images. So I created a little mini set of some Vintage Lightroom presets that are free to download and use. Download these with the link at the bottom of the page and if you like there we appreciate you sharing with your friends by tweeting or sharing on facebook.

Here is the original image: Soft Parchment Lightroom Preset Vintage Green Lightroom Preset Vintage Fade Lightroom Preset Classic Tri-X Lightroom Preset These are totally free, just add this to your cart and you will be takes to the download site. Vintage Premium Preset pack. 50 More Photos That Will Blow Your Mind.

How to Add Life to a Flat Image with Photoshop. It happens to us all at some time or another, we arrive at a wonderful location to find that the light is flat and uninspiring and the resultant images are somewhat disappointing. So what can we do about it? Well these days, it is quite simple to to create a striking image from something quite lackluster. Bear in mind though, a badly composed picture will always look badly composed – you should only look to liven up a well composed but flat image if you want to get a good result. In this tutorial we liven up a particularly dull, flat morning image of Budapest. As with many areas of digital imaging you may get better results using RAW files, and the initial step of this tutorial is processing the original RAW. A Dull Morning in Budapest Create a HDR Image from a Single File So, the first technique we are going to use is to create an HDR image from a single RAW file.

The first will be the image as shot, without adjustments. Once again, save the image as a TIFF. Developing the RAW as shot.