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5 Top Marketing Trends You Need To Know. Local SEO: Do's And Don'ts Of Local Search. Advanced SEO Ranking Factors To Increase Organic Traffic In 2021. Top 5 Advanced SEO Trends In 2020. SEO and Google: Crucial Strategies. Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='SEO and Google: Crucial Strategies' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'></div><script type='text/javascript' src=' class='visually_embed_script' id='visually_embed_script_1761068'></script><p> From <a href=' For

SEO and Google: Crucial Strategies

4 Reasons Facebook Ads Are Critical For Your Business During COVID-19. Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='4 Reasons Facebook Ads Are Critical For Your Business During COVID-19 ' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'></div><script type='text/javascript' src=' class='visually_embed_script' id='visually_embed_script_1664219'></script><p> From <a href=' For

4 Reasons Facebook Ads Are Critical For Your Business During COVID-19

7 SEO Tactics you Should be Using. If you’re struggling to gain viewership on your website for your business, search engine optimization (SEO) is key to getting your webpages ranked on search engines above your competitors.

7 SEO Tactics you Should be Using

When a user conducts a search online, they’re unlikely to look past the first five results. This is why optimizing for SEO is crucial, not only for your website but also your digital presence. Keeping up with SEO isn’t always easy, especially when search engines like Google continuously update their algorithms. 3 Key B2C Marketing Strategies. So, you’ve taken the time to get to know your consumer.

3 Key B2C Marketing Strategies

You’re gotten familiar with their interests, behaviors, needs, and pain points. Now, you’re ready to use that information to get even more customers. Where do you begin? How to Uncover Hidden Opportunities with Competitor Analysis. How to Gear up for the Holidays, 10 Best Ways. Do you need holiday marketing support?

How to Gear up for the Holidays, 10 Best Ways

Considering Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year, is this week, marketing support might come in handy. Today’s guest author offers 10 ways to boost your marketing holiday campaigns. Gear Up for the Holidays with a Miami Internet Marketing Agency This post was contributed. Did you know these statistics? The Future of Big Data Marketing in an IoT World. Guest Post by Shay Berman There’s no doubt that technology is king in our everyday lives.

The Future of Big Data Marketing in an IoT World

From the latest smart refrigerator to a Google Home voice search, technology and big data are interwoven to meet consumer demands. According to a report conducted by Edison Research, over 70 percent of consumers made “conversational commerce” purchases. Big data and Internet of Things (IoT) has the largest impact on digital marketing due to high engagement and the personalized buyer experience. Without further ado, here’s an overview of big data backed IoT devices and its impact on marketing as we know it. What is big data and IoT? Big data is the collection of quantifying symbols and characters that stores information with a multiplying data count. Carving Out an Accessible West Palm Beach Web Design.

How To Develop A ‘Conversion Worthy’ Website (Created With User Experience in Mind) Let’s be honest: You only have one shot to make a good first impression.

How To Develop A ‘Conversion Worthy’ Website (Created With User Experience in Mind)

For many businesses, their website is one of the first touch points a potential client has with their brand. That’s why it’s essential to have a website designed with user experience in mind. Now, in simple terms, your company may say they want your website to look good and to be fast. That’s a great start. Your Miami web design company interprets that as a great User Interface (UI) – the cosmetics of your site – and an easy-to-follow User Experience (UX) – the function of your site.

What is UX (User Experience) Design? UX describes the user experience, or the functionality of a site. What is UI (User Interface) Design? The user interface design refers to the aesthetic of a site. Design-Targeted. The Rise of the Machines and the Impact of AI on Digital Marketing. 63% of marketing companies says artificial intelligence significantly improved conversion ratesMore than 20% of Google searches are performed by voice-enabled devices Over 28% of marketers use artificial intelligence for product recommendations Yes, that horror movie recommended in your streaming library is generated from AI.

The Rise of the Machines and the Impact of AI on Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence can both generate and curate content to personalize the user experience. The system is able to generate content based on matching data and information that has been indexed through the internet. The Blockchain Effect and Shifting Digital Marketing Company Attitudes. The concept of blockchain is nearly 30 years old, but first sought prominence in 2008 after a white paper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto.It’s estimated that over $1.5 billion was spent on blockchain solutions in the past year.According to a survey performed by Deloitte (2018), 84% of people in executive positions believe blockchain is the ideal option versus traditional IT.

The Blockchain Effect and Shifting Digital Marketing Company Attitudes

What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a sequence of data monitored by more than one computer with oversight by multiple entities. Every component of data, or block, are protected by a series of coded elements, the chain. If brief computer lingo put you in a haze, blockchain is a secured hub for storing and transferring information from one party to the next. Meaning, that each block has a unique data record that cannot be altered. Does Blockchain Benefit My Business? Blockchain can transform the way your business is marketed in three, simple ways:

How Web Design Companies Can Improve Your AMP Pages. Unlimited Downloads: 1,500,000+ Fonts, Freebies & Design Assetsby Last Updated on November 25, 2019 It’s reported that nearly 47% of people never visit a website again if they had a negative mobile experience.Approximately one-third of users are engaged when a video appears on their mobile device versus desktops.By 2020, the growth rate of purchases made on a mobile device is expected to reach 70%.

How Web Design Companies Can Improve Your AMP Pages

It’s no surprise that mobile devices lead the way for attracting your audience. With the introduction of AMP, Google’s solution to enhancing mobile pages, this new technology presents a solid argument. As a Miami web design company, studying new approaches offers a breath of fresh air in a crowded environment of repetition.

5 Major Marketing Trends To Consider in 2020. Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='5 Major Marketing Trends To Consider in 2020' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'></div><script type='text/javascript' src=' class='visually_embed_script' id='visually_embed_script_1463670'></script><p> From <a href=' For How to Effectively Use Content Personalization in Digital Marketing.

Personalized emails get an 18.8% open rate and a 2.1% click rate.74% of website visitors get frustrated when web content isn’t personalized.63% of millennials are only willing to share their personal information if they receive personalized offers Do you know that the people who visit your site are there for different reasons? These people could be new visitors who are curious about the products and services you have to offer and they are hoping that by visiting your site they’ll gain more information about your brand. Also, the are returning visitors who have already checked out your site (perhaps even bookmarked it or labeled your site as one of their favorites) just to see if you have something new to offer.

The problem with most websites today is they don’t put too much thought on the content of their landing page. The writers behind those sites do not realize that the people who visit their sites are there for a reason. Crucial Strategies for 2019. 93% of online experiences start with a search.61% of all visits from social media come from Facebook.More than 50 million businesses use Facebook. Include Lengthier Content Longer and better content is king. One of the trickiest things to add to any approach at improving the SEO on your pages and campaigns is to add longer content that is both engaging and higher in quality. By taking the time to add lengthy and meaningful content you can ensure that search sites like Google will have more to work with when it comes to assigning trustworthiness or readability to your page.

When Google has more text to work with, it will be easier for your webpages to stand out from the competition in online searches. Optimize for Voice Search The new trend in search functions. 5 Ways to Set Up a Strategy. 65% of all clicks go to the first five results.Google gets more than 75k searches per second.70% of marketers say SEO is more effective than PPC.

Many business owners and independent advertisers are familiar with optimization on social media and publishing platforms, but optimizing your writing can be more challenging, especially if you already have trouble with writing well. Here we will go over some simple ways to set up a winning strategy for your content that will set you apart from the competition. Proprietary Platforms Use your own accounts. Fine-Tuning Your Instagram Account. Instagram is the 10th most popular Google search term.Like counts are being hidden in 7 countries.Instagram will reach 112 million users next year in the US. Instagram can be a tough beast to control, but here we will go over some really easy ways to get a firm grip on your accounts that will yield better results in your interactions with users. Getting to know the ins and outs of Instagram is a must for anyone looking to advertise on the social media site.

With these tools hopefully, you will be able to command a better understanding and effectiveness with Instagram as a business platform. Diligent Moderation Clean out any unwanted interaction. When it comes to keeping your subscribers and followers safe, one of the most important things you can do for established or new accounts is to moderate them diligently. Certain industries can attract undesirable users from across the web to post harassment and other negative comments that can hurt your image and the perceived value of your brand. 5 Ways to Get Started with Video Marketing. YouTube has over 1 billion users.45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook video per week.87% of online marketers use video content. One of the most recent successful trends in digital marketing has been an increase in the prevalence of video marketing to boost viewership and grab attention. When it comes to the numbers, video marketing beats almost every other method in terms of its ability to reach people, evoke a response, and produce trust in your enterprise.

Here we will go over a few sure-fire ways to get your video ads into the production phase. The Rise of the Machines and the Impact of AI on Digital Marketing. 5 Techniques Your Local SEO Company Uses for the Best ROI. 40% of global e-commerce traffic results from searches60% of searches are done on a smartphoneNearly 80% of users ignore paid ads in search results With search engines becoming an increasingly important factor in e-commerce, it is vital to constantly reassess and reconfigure your SEO strategies to stay ahead of the game. Is Podcast Marketing Right For Your Business? Written by Phillip Gomez In 2018, there were nearly 525,000 active podcast programs. Over 53% of Spotify listeners were in the millennial age range (18-27) just in the past year.

According to The Podcast Trends Report (2018) more than 61% of people preferred listening to podcasts versus watching TV. Clearly, the audiences for podcasting are growing. How Businesses Can Take Advantage of Quantum Computing. Top Benefits Of Digital Marketing.