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10 mauvaises pratiques de transformation cross-canale à oublier tout de suite. Vincent Levy, directeur internet chez But International : L'obsession du cross canal. Online retailers hone in on mobile data via bricks-and-mortar stores - Strategy. Online retailers such as Warby Parker, Gilt and Bonobos are opening up bricks-and-mortar stores to not only expand their physical footprints, but also to glean how consumers shop with mobile and in-store technologies to eventually enhance their Web offerings. Bricks-and-mortar stores are still a fairly new tactic for online retailers, with brands often only opening up temporary pop-up stores or pilots. Given mobile’s role in bridging the two together, savvy retailers are likely thinking ahead of the curve with how mobile can impact their digital assets with these types of stores. “Many innovative retailers, like online retailers, believe the future of retail is the intersection of ecommerce and bricks-and-mortar,” said Tom Thomas, vice president of marketing intelligence at Organic, San Francisco.

“These showrooms keep little to no on-site inventory while allowing shoppers to try product and provide direct feedback for both product design and consumer behavior. Mr. Like this article? Target Teams Up With Facebook For Deals You Can Share | Digital. Click & Collect - Calling Time On Store Space? Philip Clarke, Tesco's CEO, made a speech last week stating that: "...we’ve called time on the old retail 'space race'. We’ve recently opened our 1,000th click and collect collection point... " Is click-and-collect really quite so game-changing? Well actually, maybe... But it's multichannel game-changing, not necessarily traditional retail-space game-changing by itself.

Not all top UK retailers publish the data, but from those that do, we can see that customers really like this clicks-then-bricks option: ** of eligible General Merchandise sales (i.e. excluding food and impossible items like washing machines and sofas)* John Lewis state that 34% of John Lewis sales are collected in Waitrose Stores! "Our product mix lends itself to a multi-channel offer as customers often want further advice, a demonstration or fitting. Secondly, a note from Sainsburys: Or in other words, if you could only trust the postal service, then click-and-collect might be less attractive. Double-Digit Ecommerce Growth Story Continues in Western Europe. Several recent studies indicate that online B2C sales are climbing steadily in Europe, despite economic headwinds and much belt-tightening on the part of consumers.

The latest in a series of reports to make this point is the “European Online Retail Forecast 2012 to 2017” from Forrester Research. According to Forrester, European online sales in key markets—Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Germany and the UK—will rise an average of 12% annually between 2012 and 2017, to reach €170 billion ($217 billion) at the end of the forecast period. eMarketer, which published new forecasts for digital sales in January 2013, also has confidence in the medium-term future of regional ecommerce, anticipating that annual B2C ecommerce sales in Western Europe will reach $438.31 billion by 2016.

It’s undeniable that expansion will be slower in northern European nations where digital buying is already well established, including in the UK. Europe - New Media Trend Watch Regions. European online sales in key markets (Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Germany and the UK will rise an average of 12% annually between 2012 and 2017, to reach €170 billion ($217 billion) at the end of the forecast period, according to a report by Forrester Research entitled ‘European Online Retail Forecast 2012 to 2017'. eMarketer, which published new forecasts for digital sales in January 2013, also has confidence in the medium-term future of regional ecommerce, anticipating that annual B2C ecommerce sales in Western Europe will reach $438.31 billion by 2016.

B2C eCommerce sales in Western Europe, 2011-2016: - 2011: $250.48 billion (+16.5% change) - 2012: $292.96 billion (+17.0%) - 2013: $333.61 billion (+13.9%) - 2014: $371.85 billion (+11.5%) - 2015: $407.29 billion (+9.5%) - 2016: $438.31 billion (+7.6%) It's undeniable that expansion will be slower in northern European nations where digital buying is already well established, including in the UK. Mobile commerce. Trends & Data.


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