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Inside the Mind of a Community Manager (Social Studies Blog) Is F-Commerce "Fail" Commerce? Last week we posted a little video parody on the things ecommerce consultants say. One of the tongue-in-cheek examples is “Social media isn’t about driving sales, per se…what do you mean you don’t have a Facebook Store?” The next day, Bloomberg published an article reminding us that big retailers like JC Penney, Gamestop, Nordstrom and GAP that have shut the doors on their F-stores. Fail Commerce? It’s no surprise that embedded stores have faltered. The shopping experience within Facebook is painful compared to regular websites. Who prefers the banner ads, smaller screens, slower page loads, reduced functionality of F-stores?

Not to mention, Facebook’s stellar track record with member privacy! Simply plugging a catalog into a Fan page is not social commerce. But Facebook users have not shunned commercial brands. Finding the Adjacent Possible in Social Commerce Here are some real-world examples: Ticketmaster Interactive Seat Map Electronic Arts’ Battlefield 3 20th Century Fox.

Les 100 du numérique en France. Un million d’emplois, 148 milliards d’euros de chiffre d’affaires et plus de 8% du PIB. Qui oserait encore douter du poids du numérique dans l’économie française ? Comme le montre notre infographie, son importance ne cesse de croître dans tous les domaines. Il a pourtant fallu attendre que Google commande une grande étude au cabinet mcKinsey pour que la France prenne enfin conscience de l’enjeu. Et encore, l’enquête ne portait que sur l’écosystème du web, laissant de côté l’électronique, les progiciels, l’informatique embarquée, les jeux vidéo… Pourtant le numérique, c’est tout cela. une industrie hybride qui s’infiltre dans toutes les autres : la santé, l’aéronautique, l’automobile…À titre d’exemple, près de la moitié de la valeur ajoutée d’une voiture est électronique.

Alors le numérique serait-il la solution miracle pour réindustrialiser la France ? Peut-être… mais il faut accepter de penser l’industrie autrement. Dossier coordonné par Aurélie Barbaux Les 100 du numérique en France. SOCIAL CRM. The Big List : 150 Facebook Pages Campaigns Case Studies | Wise - Facebook Analytics. Answers To 15 Google Interview Questions That Will Make You Feel Stupid. …You have access to a 100-story building. Eggs can be very hard or very fragile means it may break if dropped from the first floor or may not even break if dropped from 100th floor. Both eggs are identical. You need to figure out the highest floor of a 100-story building an egg can be dropped without breaking. The question is how many drops you need to make. You are allowed to break 2 eggs in the process. Job: Product Manager Answer: The maximum egg drops for this method is 14 times. Instead of partitioning the floors by 10, Start at the 14th floor, and then go up 13 floors, then 12, then 11, then 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 until you get to the 99th floor, then here.

'Park.It' App Helps Drivers Avoid Parking Tickets. Between alternate side parking, tow zones, loading zones and metered spaces, there are any number of ways a driver might misread -- or willingly ignore -- the rules delegated by a parking sign and end up with a ticket. But an app out of San Francisco called Park.It is looking to minimize that risk by showing users where legal spaces are located in the area where they are driving and sending alerts to their smartphones if a space is no longer safe to park in.

Park.It takes into account all kinds of potential violations, from street cleaning times and restrictions for residential zones to incline parking rules and meters. Calvin Liu, CEO of Park.It, told The Huffington Post that the app also displays the 5 percent of San Francisco's parking spaces that are equipped with sensors indicating whether or not they are available, so drivers can spend a little less time aimlessly driving around looking for spots. Park.It is available for free for iPhone and Android.