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Basic to Beast Complete Bodyweight Workout Program. Too many trainees and athletes are quick to overlook (and sometimes forget) about Bodyweight Training.

Basic to Beast Complete Bodyweight Workout Program

Even so, you can become very strong when training with just your bodyweight. Bodyweight Training is all about the basics and the truth is, no matter how advanced you are, your body will always fall back on its base level of strength. Your overall bodyweight strength will always serve as the foundation and bridge to your other strengths. When it comes to the basics of Bodyweight Training, you should be familiar with all of the essential movements: squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups, rows, and plank variations.

You should also have the ability to climb, crawl, sprint, and jump. Obviously there are hundreds, if not thousands of different variations for each of the basic Bodyweight Training movements out there, but no matter what, all of them come back to being able to perform the basics. Bodyweight Workout Program for Strength and Conditioning: Bodyweight Standard The Bodyweight Gauntlet. List of High Carbohydrate Foods. The human body needs a certain amount of carbohydrate intake so that it can be broken down into glucose and converted into energy.

List of High Carbohydrate Foods

This energy is the fuel that helps us in physical activity and keeps our organs in proper functioning order. Inadequate consumption of carbohydrates can lead to fatigue, weakness, nausea, muscle pain, and decreased resistance to diseases. On the flip side, excess carbohydrate intake has also been linked to obesity, heart diseases, and diabetes. This is because the excess glucose that is released from the metabolism of carbohydrates is stored in the body in the form of glycogen.

The glycogen reserves are in turn stored in the liver and muscles in the form of fat. Understanding Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are divided into simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. As opposed to this, complex carbohydrates are made of a long molecular chain that takes some time to be broken down. Foods High in Carbohydrates. How To Slow Down Fast Metabolism Burn. If you have a fast metabolism or are underweight, you may need to work on gaining weight.

How To Slow Down Fast Metabolism Burn

Your metabolism is mostly affected by your body size and composition, your sex and your age. Though you can change your body composition by gaining muscle or fat and losing muscle or fat, you cannot affect the other determinants of your metabolism. It is, however, possible to slow down your metabolism and gain weight without taking any drugs. You simply need to change your eating and exercise patterns. Start eating more calories than what you are used to eating.

Start adding extras to your meals. Space your meals out more to slow down your metabolism. Exercise at lower intensities and for shorter periods of time. The Weight-Free Weekend Workout. A Surprisingly Tough Ab Exercise. EPISODE 4: THE BURPEE. Online Stopwatch. 5 Unusual Ways to Achieve Super Quality Sleep. It seems like every sleep expert has reduced the fascinating topic of sleep to a boring set of rules: Keep your room dark.Take a warm bath.Keep the bedroom for sleep and sex only.Avoid caffeine x hours before bedtime (where x depends on who you ask).Don’t drink alcohol.

5 Unusual Ways to Achieve Super Quality Sleep

Et cetera, et cetera, yadda, yadda… Sleep is much more interesting than that. Now don’t get me wrong, the above points are valid. Some of it is great advice. But it isn’t the half of it. Obtaining super-quality sleep has become a (somewhat nerdy) passion of mine, and I personally don’t think the standard set of rules like the ones listed above really do justice to the nuances of better sleep. Sleep is no doubt a critical ingredient in a healthy lifestyle. But if I have “10 out of 10″ sleep, I feel like superman. In this article I will describe five “unusual” sleep tricks that can give you that “10 out of 10″ super-quality sleep.1. As many of you know, melatonin is a key hormone in sleep quality.

Bodyweight exercises, bodyweight workout.