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Not Just CuteNot Just Cute. I’ve been working on some pretty comprehensive posts lately, so I decided it was time for some fluff.

Not Just CuteNot Just Cute

LITERALLY. I give to you, one of the simplest and most versatile recipes in my repertoire, Puddin’head. This tasty stuff results from the combination of pudding and whipped topping. We’ve used it for quite some time in our house, as a frosting spread on cakes and piped onto cupcakes, a substitute for plain Cool Whip in desserts like this chocolate trifle, a hot chocolate topping, or a tasty filling in crepes or on waffles along with some fruit. After referring to it for too long as “that yummy pudding-Cool Whip stuff”, my husband finally gave it its Twain-esque moniker, and it has stuck.

This recipe is so simple, your little ones will love to help you out with it, and will likely volunteer to lick the spoon as well. After sharing this recipe with people they usually ask what sizes to use. Search results for fondant. Okay, so have you seen this!

Search results for fondant

This super cheater petit four recipe?! Really it is all over the web. here, and here and now I am adding a tutorial as well. KID FRIENDLY JELLO FROSTING!! UPDATE: New sugar free option at the end of this post.UPDATE: Since posting this on Pinterest, a few people have commented that this frosting deflated on them after a day at room temperature. I've never had this problem, because I live in a DRY climate, but those of you living in HUMID climates are having this problem. So... if you live in a humid climate, you'll need to store the frosted cake in the fridge.

This frosting recipe has a lot of things going for it. It is fast, super light, smooth and creamy on the tongue (very similar to a 7 minute frosting, but so much easier). Neatest of all, is that it is flavored with jello, so you can make it in ANY Jello flavor you like...watermelon? 3 ounce pkg. of Jello (favorite flavor)2/3 cup granulated sugar1 egg white1 teaspoon vanilla1/2 cup BOILING water Place the Jello powder, granulated sugar, egg white and vanilla in a GLASS OR METAL mixing bowl of a stand mixer.

Turn the mixer on HIGH and immediately add the half cup of BOILING water. Royal Icing Recipe : Nigella Lawson. Coconut Whipped Cream « Nutty Kitchen. We love our whipped cream in coffee, on berries for dessert, really on any of our primal desserts.

Coconut Whipped Cream « Nutty Kitchen

But it’s nice to have an alternative to dairy and for our Paleo friends. Henry thought it would be good to have some cold coconut milk and stuck a can into the fridge for a couple of hours. When he opened it he noticed that it had gotten very thick on top, so he scooped it out and noticed that it had separated from the coconut water. So he added a little cinnamon and a little organic vanilla extract to the thick coconut and whipped it up.

To our happy surprise it got thick and creamy immediately, and Oh Wow!!! So since then we’ve been enjoying our morning cup of coffee with a spoon full. Tutorial: How to Swirl Colored Icing for Cupcakes. I don’t know if the universe has it out for me or what, but I swear to you all, the second I start making a conscious effort to eat healthy, I’m suddenly inspired to make all sorts of naughty treats.

Tutorial: How to Swirl Colored Icing for Cupcakes

And not just inspired, like, “Oh, I really, really, really want to make some caramel corn,” but my brain suddenly starts putting together evil ideas for things I’ve never even made. I guess deprivation is great for inspiration, right? I’m posting my scandalous little treat on Friday, but for today, I want to share a really cool tutorial. I kind of thought I was a genius until I told Sara what I was posting and she told me that she already has a tutorial all photographed.

It’s kind of rough sharing a brain sometimes. Not only is this super impressive (my 6-year-old told me that he thought the way my cupcakes were “designed” was awesome), but it’s a fun and easy way to implement different colors when you’re decorating cupcakes. Prepare yourself for oohs and aahs.