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The Cartels Behind Mexico's Drug War. Ruthless battles between competing cartels and government forces have claimed at least 40,000 lives.

The Cartels Behind Mexico's Drug War

Although a specific drug cartel has not as yet been implicated in the recent arson attack on a Monterrey casino that killed 52 people, many observers suspect the incident is a product of the bloody turf wars and extortion rackets involving Mexico's notorious drug cartels. The ruthless battles among competing cartels and between the cartels and the government forces trying to take them down have claimed at least 40,000 lives since 2006, the year that Mexico's president, Felipe Calderon, launched a crackdown against the cartels that many say has only increased the violence. In 2010 alone, the bloodiest year to date, more than 15,000 people were killed in drug-related violence. Although there are many areas of Mexico where cartels are not active, in the states and cities they do control, their reach is vast.

. - Read the entire article at CBC News. Stratfor: “When the Mexican Drug Trade Hits the Border” Here is another insightful article from Stratfor about one of the most important geopolitical dangers to America.

Stratfor: “When the Mexican Drug Trade Hits the Border”

Summary of previous analysis about Mexico on the FM site (see the links at the end for more information): (1) In 2005 the cartels began killing police chiefs (example here), showing that the cartels were growing beyond the government’s control. In 2007 they began killing Army officers. Now they torture and kill generals, and the violence has crossed the border into America (see this). (2) The global depression will make things worse, esp later this year when their forward sales of oil expire — and they must live on declining production of $40 oil. . (3) As Martin van Creveld said over a decade ago, Mexico might turn out to be the greatest threat to America’s sovereignty that we have even encountered. “When the Mexican Drug Trade Hits the Border“, Fred Burton and Ben West, Stratfor, 15 April 2009 — Posted with permission.

However, as narcotic shipments near the U.S. Mexican drug cartels. Mexican drug cartels hire teens, children for smuggling, and murder - International. Nation rattled by 14-year-ol contract killer, known as 'Ponchi' One of the most shocking aspects of Mexico's war on drugs is the use of drug cartels heinous use of teens and young children for smuggling, thievery - even murder.

Mexican drug cartels hire teens, children for smuggling, and murder - International

Mexico is still reeling from the revelation a slight, 14-year-old named Edgar Jimenez Lugo, commonly known as "Ponchi" who began killing for the cartels at the age of 11. 14-year-old named Edgar Jimenez Lugo, commonly known as "Ponchi" who began killing for the cartels at the age of 11. LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - One of the most shocking aspects of Mexico's war on drugs is the use of drug cartels heinous use of teens and young children for smuggling, thievery - even murder. Mexico is still reeling from the revelation a slight, 14-year-old named Edgar Jimenez Lugo, commonly known as "Ponchi" who began killing for the cartels at the age of 11. "When did you start to kill? " "I cut their throats," Edgar said. Pope Francis calls for your 'Prayer and Action'

2011 FBI Report Details Connections Between Cartels and U.S.-Based Gangs. Via With the recent killings of two district attorneys in Texas, and the death of a West Virginia sheriff this week, speculation is running rampant as to who and/or what is behind these assassinations.

2011 FBI Report Details Connections Between Cartels and U.S.-Based Gangs

In the case of the two Texas D.A.’s, the leading suspect group at this time is the Aryan Brotherhood (AB), because of a recent, large-scale case that the two D.A.’s had taken on in busting over two dozen members of the AB. Along with this, speculation is also circulating that the AB may be, in fact, ratcheting up the violence to protect their lucrative illegal drug trade partnership with Mexican cartels. An older report from an FBI investigation from the 1980s is being shared around, because it details an informant explaining that the AB and the Cartels, even as far back as the late 70′s and into the 80′s, had partnered up in order to distribute illegal drugs throughout the US. Pg. 26: Under a section titled “Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations” the report notes: Stay tuned. Mexican drugcartel post chainsaw execution video online. The new video shows the execution of two alleged members of the Cartel de Sinaloa, 'Sinaloa cartel'.

Mexican drugcartel post chainsaw execution video online

Two grim looking men, whose luck ran out, are beheaded still alive in the most brutal way imaginable with a chainsaw. One of the men is identified as Felix Gamez Garcia, who admits to trafficking drugs to the United States and the other man is identified as Barnabas Gamez Castro, who is the uncle of the first man. Both men are sitting against a wall, they have no shirt on, and seem renounced to their fate. They answer the questions posed to them by sicarios dressed in military uniforms, and they talk, but deep inside, they must know that no matter what they say, they will not make it out alive this time. You can hear it in their voices, worn, beaten, tired and left without hope. When both men are finished talking, it’s time to pay the piper. WARNING!!! Mexican drugcartel post chainsaw execution video onlineMexican drugcartel post chainsaw execution video online. Mexico gang.