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Frank Mirecki

Manage communication and IT infrastructures in your company to boost overall productivity and increase savings! BrantTel Networks offers unified communications services for businesses in Hamilton, Burlington, Mississauga, Kitchener, and London. Call us at 1 (888) 632-0585 or 1 (800) 632-0585.

How to Make Video Calls More Engaging for Your Team. Many businesses have had to make some changes during the last year, like learning how to keep employee morale up, but we’ve since found some ways to adjust.

How to Make Video Calls More Engaging for Your Team

One thing that’s become more commonplace lately is video conferencing or online meetings for team meetings. With the ongoing pandemic, it’s been difficult to meet in person, but video calls or online meetings are a great way to stay in touch with colleagues and collaborate directly. However, it may take a little getting used to before we can all get the hang of remote team calls.

To help you, here are a few tips to give you some staff meeting ideas to make calls a little more interesting for everyone. 1. Like in-person meetings, it’s always a good idea to provide an agenda to steer the course of your call. Set the agenda in advance to give everyone time to prepare accordingly. 2. During the call, it goes without saying that you should pay attention to the meeting. 3. Why Real-Time Communication and Collaboration are Key to Remote Work. The coronavirus pandemic has led companies to embrace the new normal in business — remote work.

Why Real-Time Communication and Collaboration are Key to Remote Work

While some employers are hesitant in adopting this new trend, remote work is more effective and has higher employee productivity than in an office work setting. Luckily for many employers, the advancement in communication technology and team collaboration software, along with device capabilities and increased internet speeds, has enabled a more flexible working environment. This allows millions of remote workers to communicate well and collaborate with others to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Why are Communication and Collaboration Important in a Team Without effective collaboration and communication at work, both productivity and engagement suffer. How to Keep Employee Morale up in a Work From Home Setup. Life in self-quarantine has become the new normal around the world and presents new challenges for employees and employers alike.

How to Keep Employee Morale up in a Work From Home Setup

A great many businesses have switched to working from home to keep operations going. It’s a great move to help reduce the risk of infection. Areas of Expertise. Managed Services. Infrastructure As a Service (IaaS) Your Trusted IaaS Provider in Hamilton, Burlington, Mississauga, Kitchener, and London Cloud computing systems have made it conveniently possible to store, access, and share data anytime and from anywhere in the world.

Infrastructure As a Service (IaaS)

Cloud computing services provide strong support that allows business entities of all shapes and sizes to seamlessly manage their data and keep up with their growing demands. One such service is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Businesses in Hamilton, Burlington, Mississauga, Kitchener, and London that rely on several devices and offer IT services for the majority of their operations need a solid IaaS service. Cloud Contact Center Hamilton. Genesys™ PureCloud — Your Go-To Cloud Contact Center Our partnership with Genesys allows us to serve your business and your customers better by empowering you with the latest and best cloud contact center software solutions for Burlington, Mississauga, Kitchener, London, and Hamilton businesses.

Cloud Contact Center Hamilton

Genesys™ PureCloud is designed to provide the highest levels of availability, reliability, and disaster recovery available. If your business is still running on outdated legacy technology and call center software, it will be extremely difficult to keep up communications between you and your customers. It is time to switch to a reliable cloud contact center software, which uses cutting-edge communications technology. This modern alternative to on-premise contact centers offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to continually meet and exceed customers’ service expectations. Experience the Benefits of the Latest Cloud Contact Center. Unified Communications. Working to drive value. Like many technology companies in Canada today BrantTel has been working more than ever to transform to drive greater business value and make a difference for its clients.

Working to drive value

As the old adage goes – “It is not just about working harder it is also about working smarter.” We are improving upon and adding new processes, new technologies, new people and new business partnerships in order to accomplish this transformation. We look forward to continuing down this path as we strive to deliver business solutions and outcomes that provide our clients with a sustainable competitive advantage in the markets that they choose to compete. That sustainable competitive advantage no longer includes just best in-class voice technologies but now also includes best in class user experience solutions, customer experience solutions, cloud computing solutions and connectivity solutions. All of which better enable our client’s ability to compete in today’s challenging global marketplaces. Build out a Geo-Redundant WAN - Connect all your locations. Many organizations today share lots of data, data lakes, data ponds and oceans of info that finds itself in CRM’s and Database apps.

Build out a Geo-Redundant WAN - Connect all your locations

Along with this requirement are things like shared applications, cloud applications, phone system connectivity and even Wireless networks. All of these business critical apps rely on reliable connectivity to stay connected to the cloud or host application server. In the past there was not many options for these dedicated circuits between business locations, MPLS networking is the most common and the most expensive to maintain. It works, and that’s what organizations were looking for as the transmission of data among multiple locations became mission critical. At BrantTel, we often get asked by customers to design connectivity solutions for their business’, especially when the organization had multiple offices across the country.

The solution for this customer is based on a relatively new concept in the marketplace called SD-WAN.