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The animated guide to Building a PC. Learn to build a PC from scratch with PCitYourself! How to Build a Computer" Have you ever thought about building your own computer? Actually buying a motherboard and a case ­along with all the supporting components and assembling the whole thing yourself? Here are three reasons why you might want to consider taking the plunge: You'll be able to create a custom machine that exactly matches your needs.It will be much easier to upgrade your machine in the future because you'll understand it completely.You may be able to save some money. And, if you've never done it before, you'll definitely learn a lot about computers. ­ In this article, we'll take you through the entire process of building a computer.

You'll learn how to choose the parts you'll use, how to buy them and how to put them all together. ­ The first step in building a computer is deciding what type of machine you want to build. ­ Let's imagine that you want to build a powerful video-editing computer. Newegg TV: How To Build a Computer - Part 3 - Installing Windows & Finishing Touches. Newegg TV: How To Build a Computer - Part 2 - The Build. Newegg TV: How To Build a Computer - Part 1 - Choosing Your Components. The Best PCs You Can Build for $600 and $1200.