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Course management

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Create interactive online courses. Common Curriculum. Welcome to Flubaroo. NoodleTools Reviews. A cloud-based teaching and learning platform for teachers. Redefining classroom learning. Empowering instructors. Enterprise Learning Management System | Free LMS. With Schoology's simple tools, websites and webpages can be created, saved, shared, and adapted.

A variety of tools make the creation process simple, from defining an online homework assignment with a homework submission area to creating a set of rich-text or HTML pages that can be sequenced and played in a desired navigational order. For almost every content type, an easy-to-use WYSIWYG allows the user to spend less time learning HTML and CSS, and more time building high-quality, interactive content. For more advanced users that may be looking for full customizability, the Pages feature within Schoology allows for the easy creation of content using either an advanced rich-text editor or custom HTML and CSS.

With Schoology's simple tools, websites and webpages can be created, saved, shared, and adapted. For almost every content type, an easy-to-use WYSIWYG allows the user to spend less time learning HTML and CSS, and more time building high-quality, interactive content.