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Brand Imaging

Founded in 2005 to provide International Brands with a straightforward and knowledgeable partner that would calmly deliver campaigns consistently around the world. 14 years on, Brand have more people, more services and are now in four continents, but the heartbeat of the business hasn’t changed; Brand still want to deliver an outstanding service, all the time, whether it’s to create, execute or enable with technology.

A guide to Flexographic Printing. Flexographic printing, usually referred to as “Flexo printing” is a printing technique that provides optimal efficiency, flexibility, and consistency.

A guide to Flexographic Printing

Because it is so versatile, flexo printing can be used to print designs and labels on various substrates, including plastic, paper, and cellophane. Below, is all you need about employing this technology to bring your Food & Beverage company’s packaging to the next level. What Is Flexographic Printing? Flexographic printing uses flexible photopolymer printing plates to print high-resolution images on a variety of substrates. These plates, which are made of rubber, are imprinted with a raised image and then wrapped around cylinders mounted on a web press.

Aside from this technique’s high efficiency, Flexo printing is also appreciated because it delivers high-resolution images on a wide variety of materials. How Does Flexographic Printing Work? Creating The Design The client will propose an artwork to be printed. We offer Packaging Artwork Solution. Download Skip this Video Loading SlideShow in 5 Seconds..

We offer Packaging Artwork Solution

Custom Packaging Formats by Brand Imaging Solutions. Elevate your product with a Packaging Design Agency. Build your brand in the beauty industry. In the beauty industry, looks matter.

Build your brand in the beauty industry

And when it comes to your beauty brand, it’s important that everything looks the part. From your brand to your products and packaging, it all matters. Want to make the right impression with your beauty business? Get clued up and nail the look with 23 brand, design and packaging books every beauty brand should read. 1. In this fascinating and engaging read, Alexandra Watkins details exactly what’s in a name, how to choose one that sticks and how to make a lasting impression. 2.

If you’re interested in the history of branding, then this is the guide for you. 3. Brands with a good story connect with people. 4. How do successful brands earn their success? 5. For a fascinating insight into marketing, branding and the beauty industry, look no further than Mark Tungate’s intelligently written book. 6. What makes a product send beauty lovers flocking to the beauty counters?

The Best Agency for Maintaining Brand Consistency. Flexographic Plate Making Services. Hire a packaging design agency today! Searching for the best packaging design agency in Manchester?

Hire a packaging design agency today!

Brand Imaging Solutions is a global leader in packaging production. We recognize that the best packaging and branding reflect the product inside, as well as its proposal and core values. Thanks to our exceptional experience in the retail industry, our knowledge of packaging design is unrivaled. We are tuned into the experience of the customer and know how they interpret packaging and what variables impact their buying decisions. We help in delivering the best multi-channel services: Packaging Artwork Service by Brand Imaging Solutions. We work with clients around the world from our studio in Manchester.

Packaging Artwork Service by Brand Imaging Solutions

Our Brand Adaptive service has been created to deliver adaptive design faster and more cost-effectively without compromising the core design intent. Our services bridge the distance between strategic design and repro print to fulfill every level of design created from the strategic vision. Design adaptation makes sense when you have a range of products that all require different packaging designs.

All of the products together need to form a coherent brand, but each design needs to be adapted to the right size and packaging format. Other changes to design will be required too, from the copy and information on the packaging to the language used. We work closely with tier one agencies, collaborating with them to understand their vision. We are trusted by some of the largest companies around the world. Best Podcasts and audiobooks on Design & Packaging.

Whether you’re just starting out in business or want to revamp your brand, design and packaging are integral features of any winning strategy.

Best Podcasts and audiobooks on Design & Packaging

A little research will go a long way to perfecting your strategy, but it’s important to avoid outdated information. Podcasts and audiobooks offer the perfect outlets to stay updated with relevant insights, not least because you’ll retain far more info than reading text. Here’s a list of the best content available. 1. Shelf Impactors Mark Grey and Lisa Hastings present a series of highly insightful podcasts that delve into the latest development within the branding and packaging design arena. 2. Launched in May 2020, Unboxd is one of the newest podcasts on the market but the company boasts over 15 years of industry experience while it covers a wide range of topics, such as materials development, design, manufacturing, and recycling. Maintain Your Brand's Consistency. Want Flexographic Plate Making for Packaging? Packaging Formats for your Brand. Download Skip this Video Loading SlideShow in 5 Seconds..

Packaging Formats for your Brand

Packaging Formats that Suit your Needs PowerPoint Presentation Share Presentations Email Sent Successfully Embed Code Embed Code Copied... Link Download Presentation Presentation Transcript. Packaging Formats by Brand Imaging Solutions. Whether you are selling a cosmetic, food, beverage or non-food product it is important to ensure that you are designing your packaging to align not only with your brand but also with the printing process in mind.

Packaging Formats by Brand Imaging Solutions

Knowing about packaging formats can help you to understand more about the print process. Print processes vary for different packaging formats. Understanding the different constraints, advantages and disadvantages of each type of printing process will allow you to get the best possible design. At Brand IMS, we are experts in not only producing that artwork and managing it for our clients, but creating the right designs for different packaging formats. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the different types of packaging formats, and why it’s important to understand the process of each one.

Print processes refer to the different types of technology necessary to print on packaging. Litho – The most common form of printing for card, paper and cartons. Brand Consistency is Essential! Consistency is essential for creating a memorable brand.

Brand Consistency is Essential!

How will your customers recognize you if your packaging varies drastically from one product or country to the next? A brand with consistent packaging can increase revenue by as much as 33%, boosting brand equity, customer loyalty, and profit on an international scale. Ensuring color and artwork consistency across your global markets is essential for increasing the chances of a potential customer selecting your products. Providing Packaging Artwork Solutions. Maintain Brand Consistency With Us As You Grow Your Business.

Flexographic Plate Making Simplified! Creative Packaging Design Agency in Manchester.