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Brandidea Granular Analytics

Market Potential Solutions – BrandIdea. FMCG – BrandIdea. Agri Business – BrandIdea. The BrandIdea Business Analytics Product is distinctly unique.

Agri Business – BrandIdea

We have been modeling granular data assiduously for the last eight years – painstakingly, from the bottom-up —across 6 lakh villages, 8000 towns and 2 lakh neighborhoods of India. We use an array of data-science techniques to generate powerful and compelling granular analytics, which make actionable insights literally pop out of the screen, with the help of versatile data visualizations. ET Promising Entrepreneur of India 2019. ET Champions of Rural Markets. Economic Times Sales Strategy Summit-2018. BFSI Marketing & Distribution Submit 2018. Rural Market Growth Strategy Summit-2018. Our key take-outs from other presentations – digital technology coupled with series of Governmental initiatives have greatly supplemented the sector’s efforts to solve the crucial marketing aspect of Reach.

Rural Market Growth Strategy Summit-2018

Need for organizations to treat Rural as a distinct entity from Urbanized thinking & personnel, was emphasized. Trust and Credit are the two currencies which operate here. We are, however, concerned about the underlying thought that Rural is ‘mysterious’ and taming it a daunting task. This appears to be a hangover of the ‘data darkness’ that existed vis-a-vis rural until recently. Today, a powerful tool like BrandIdea Analytics – riding on granular data-science – can unravel Rural by defining – quantitatively and qualitatively – the construct and contours of any rural market down to the last village or hamlet, on any parameter that the Marketer desires. Economic Times Pricing Strategy Summit-2017. BrandIdea was the Associate Partner at the Economic Times Price Strategy Summit, Mumbai, 21-22 June, 2017.

Economic Times Pricing Strategy Summit-2017

The summit was targeted at senior level Marketing professionals and a total of around 110 delegates attended. In the second session on 22nd September, our CEO, Suresh Pillai made a presentation on Price Analytics to drive Growth in Untapped Segments,during which he highlighted how the BrandIdea application helps marketers on two crucial price-related aspects: (a) It captures the affinity that each SKU in a brand’s portfolio has with consuming SEC segments – plotting this relationship helps to identify those consuming segments which are presently not served/ adequately served by existing SKUs and also an advanced algorithm to predict the SKU price-point which will cater to the unserved segments It also covers tactical aspects like impact on sales of a SKU after withdrawal of promotion pricing etc.

Economic Times Sales Strategy Summit-2017. Rural Markets Growth Strategy Summit-2017. Suresh Pillai, our CEO, was a Speaker at the Rural Markets Growth Strategy Summit 2017, held on 8th and 9th March, 2017 at Courtyard Marriot Hotel, Mumbai.

Rural Markets Growth Strategy Summit-2017

Speaking on the subject ‘Need for Innovation in your rural market strategy’, Suresh Pillai explained how Brandidea can help to foster innovation in choosing the Rural markets (Where to Play) and effectively reaching and exploiting the selected markets (How to Play) and monitoring progress (Track the Play). He reiterated that it is not so much the granularity of data that makes BrandIdea unique but the powerful predictive and prescriptive analytics inbuilt into the application. While acknowledging the importance of marketers frequenting the rural markets they operate in, he brought forth that in reality most marketing decisions have to be taken by professionals sitting in urban centers, with limited rural experiences.

BrandIdea. Our Story We started with the audacious task of building data and the resultant insights from scratch, critically bottom-up.


Many doubted that such a task could be done. Some potential investors were emphatic that the returns would not be commensurate. To quote a potential investor – “Are you trying to create another Google?” Brandidea Maximax - Speedy & Accurate Sales. Key Features Know your retail market for segment-specific action Maximax automatically captures geo-locations of your stores, helping you in optimizing your coverage strategy.

Brandidea Maximax - Speedy & Accurate Sales

Also, each visit adds new information to their profile. BrandIdea ACTIVAX mobile application, Brandidea Desktop. Desktop BrandIdea Granular Analytics Platform has been built to help Companies in their end-to-end Marketing, Sales & Distribution functions.

Brandidea Desktop

Critically, the platform comes with built-in granular, hyper-local, last-mile Data on Consumers & Consumption, Media & Retailers (incldg Profiles of over 1 crore Retailers in the country) at every Neighbourhood / Village in the Country. This data is further processed using advanced data science techniques for generating insights, segmentations, personas, precision targeting, behavioral analysis, category share, coverage gaps, price elasticity, trends, path to growth, etc. The Analysis upgrades from Discovery to Diagnostics to Prediction to Prescription. From your Sales data, you can profile your Current User base, look at extending it to the Fringe Users & Non-Users and explore Extended Potential Users on various Metrics, including Willingness to Pay – all these at granular levels of every Neighbourhood & Village. Public Policy Management is realize that for.

The BrandIdea Business Analytics Product is distinctly unique.

Public Policy Management is realize that for

We have been modeling granular data assiduously for the last eight years – painstakingly, from the bottom-up — across 6 lakh villages, 8000 towns and 2 lakh neighbourhoods of India. We use an array of data-science techniques to generate powerful and compelling granular analytics, which make actionable insights literally pop out of the screen, with the help of versatile data visualizations. Since the resulting interventions are customized and intense at the micro-level, there is minimal wastage of marketing and sales effort, as against a top-down, trickle-down approach. Also, these efforts drive higher growth by aggregating the effect of customized actions as against the diffused effect of top-down implementation. BrandIdea. Pharma With all-round heightened consumer anxiety, the post-COVID 19 scenario signals a boom for the health & pharma sectors.


Not only are consumers moving towards specialist offerings, they are wanting to be part of an eco-system which takes care of their short & long-term health needs. The Mobile Services market in India. The BrandIdea Business Analytics Product is distinctly unique.

The Mobile Services market in India

We have been modeling granular data assiduously for the last eight years – painstakingly, from the bottom-up — across 6 lakh villages, 8000 towns and 2 lakh neighbourhoods of India. We use an array of data-science techniques to generate powerful and compelling granular analytics, which make actionable insights literally pop out of the screen, with the help of versatile data visualizations. Since the resulting interventions are customized and intense at the micro-level, there is minimal wastage of marketing and sales effort, as against a top-down, trickle-down approach. Also, these efforts drive higher growth by aggregating the effect of customized actions as against the diffused effect of top-down implementation.

Mobile Phones is Booming and Gigantic Market. The BrandIdea Business Analytics Product is distinctly unique. We have been modeling granular data assiduously for the last eight years – painstakingly, from the bottom-up — across 6 lakh villages, 8000 towns and 2 lakh neighbourhoods of India. We use an array of data-science techniques to generate powerful and compelling granular analytics, which make actionable insights literally pop out of the screen, with the help of versatile data visualizations. Since the resulting interventions are customized and intense at the micro-level, there is minimal wastage of marketing and sales effort, as against a top-down, trickle-down approach. Also, these efforts drive higher growth by aggregating the effect of customized actions as against the diffused effect of top-down implementation. Insurance Companies are still in the processing.

The BrandIdea Business Analytics Product is distinctly unique. We have been modeling granular data assiduously for the last eight years – painstakingly, from the bottom-up — across 6 lakh villages, 8000 towns and 2 lakh neighbourhoods of India. We use an array of data-science techniques to generate powerful and compelling granular analytics, which make actionable insights literally pop out of the screen, with the help of versatile data visualizations. Since the resulting interventions are customized and intense at the micro-level, there is minimal wastage of marketing and sales effort, as against a top-down, trickle-down approach. Fintech Cos are Taking the Lead in Transforming. The BrandIdea Business Analytics Product is distinctly unique. We have been modeling granular data assiduously for the last eight years – painstakingly, from the bottom-up — across 6 lakh villages, 8000 towns and 2 lakh neighbourhoods of India.

We use an array of data-science techniques to generate powerful and compelling granular analytics, which make actionable insights literally pop out of the screen, with the help of versatile data visualizations. Since the resulting interventions are customized and intense at the micro-level, there is minimal wastage of marketing and sales effort, as against a top-down, trickle-down approach.

E-Business-to-Business. The BrandIdea Business Analytics Product is distinctly unique. We have been modeling granular data assiduously for the last ten years – painstakingly, from the bottom-up — across 6 lakh villages, 8000 towns and 2 lakh neighbourhoods of India. We use an array of data-science techniques to generate powerful and compelling granular analytics, which make actionable insights literally pop out of the screen, with the help of versatile data visualizations.

Since the resulting interventions are customized and intense at the micro-level, there is minimal wastage of marketing and sales effort, as against a top-down, trickle-down approach. Election Campaign Management. The BrandIdea Business Analytics Product is distinctly unique. We have been modeling granular data assiduously for the last eight years – painstakingly, from the bottom-up — across 6 lakh villages, 8000 towns and 2 lakh neighbourhoods of India. We use an array of data-science techniques to generate powerful and compelling granular analytics, which make actionable insights literally pop out of the screen, with the help of versatile data visualizations. Since the resulting interventions are customized and intense at the micro-level, there is minimal wastage of marketing and sales effort, as against a top-down, trickle-down approach. India’s Maturing and Booming Consumer Durable's. Broadcast & Print Media Exploring Newer Methods. The Building Materials Industry in India.

Automobiles luxury car market one-to-one target. The Indian Agri-Business Industry. BrandIdea. BrandIdea. Granularity of data and analytics in India. BrandIdea ACTIVAX mobile application,

Top Business Analytics Companies

Pharma company culture in Gurugram | Culture should involve e-detailing in Mumbai. The Indian Agri-Business Industry. Rural - Activation Solutions. Rural - Media Solutions. Rural - Consumer Affinity Solutions. Rural - Distribution Solutions. Rural - Market Potential Solutions. Urban - Solutions For Activation. Urban - Media Solutions. Urban - Consumer Affinity Solutions. Urban - Distribution Solutions. Market Potential Solutions. Urban - Consumer Affinity Solutions. Public Policy Management is realize that for. BrandIdea. The Mobile Services market in India. Mobile Phones is Booming and Gigantic Market.

Insurance Companies are still in the processing. Fintech Cos are Taking the Lead in Transforming. E-Business-to-Business. Election Campaign Management. India’s Maturing and Booming Consumer Durable's. Broadcast & Print Media Exploring Newer Methods. The Building Materials Industry in India. The Learning On Online Transactions & Most Banks. Automobiles luxury car market one-to-one target. The Indian Agri-Business Industry. Rural - Activation Solutions. Rural - Media Solutions. Rural - Consumer Affinity Solutions. Rural - Distribution Solutions. Rural - Market Potential Solutions. Urban - Solutions For Activation. Urban - Media Solutions. Urban - Consumer Affinity Solutions. Urban - Distribution Solutions. Market Potential Solutions.

Brandidea Desktop. BrandIdea. Granularity of data and analytics in India. BrandIdea. BrandIdea. Whitepaper. BrandIdea Analytics on LinkedIn: #granularanalytics #neighborhoodprofile #micromarkets. Data Culture. Pharma Cos. e-Detailing is e-Volution. BrandIdea. Post-COVID, Data Culture will be key to Decision-making. Whitepaper. Medical detailing’s evolution into e-detailing. Brandidea Analytics on LinkedIn: #granularanalytics #neighborhoodprofile #hyperlocal. Brandidea Analytics on LinkedIn: #granularanalytics #neighborhoodprofile #hyperlocal.

Post-COVID, Data Culture will be key to Decision-making. Post-COVID, Data Culture will be key to Decision-making. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. Brandidea Analytics - Brandidea. “Eye on the Ball” TT Tournament 6 Day Highlights - Watch us! Log into Facebook. Brandidea Analytics - Brandidea. “Eye on the Ball” TT Tournament 7 Day Highlights - Watch us! Log into Facebook.