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Beauty and health

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Yogatailor. Santa Clarita Runners: Pace, Race and Training Calculator. & 6 super-weird beauty tricks that work wonders The Beauty Gypsy. Hair. The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty. Photos: Kristin Ess, post designed by Kristin Ess AHOY, friends!!

The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty.

We found a fun new way to do NAUTICAL! We used the straight strips that come in this french manicure kit to make our stripes! Luscious Lip Scrub! & huda beauty. Vitamin HB | Luscious Lip Scrub!

Luscious Lip Scrub! & huda beauty

Mon, 23 Jan 2012 DAILY DOSE | NATURAL RECIPEBy Huda Heidi Kattan.


Nails. Fitness. Hair. Videos. Videos. Cellulite-Free Skin. The Easy Fix: Hydrate.

Cellulite-Free Skin

H2O is like kryptonite to cellulite. It has the power to sideline puckers. Sure, you can chug it, but chewing it (you heard right!) Is more effective.