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Why (some) Kickstarter campaigns fail. Subscribe to our free email newsletter. We'll update you once or twice a week, and we'll never rent or sell your email address to anyone. Thanks. Kickstarter campaigns fail when the tribe of people who believe in the idea is too small It’s worth taking a moment to parse that out–it will help you understand how the whole thing works and where some campaigns fail. You either need more belief or a bigger/louder/more influential tribe. Kickstarter appears to be a great way to find fans for your work.

You put up a great video clip and a story and wait for people who will love it to find you. But that’s not what happens. There are some outliers that are clever and lucky enough to go viral among strangers, but out of the huge number of projects posted (increasing all the time) this is as likely as writing a blog post that gets you on the front page of Hacker News. The second part of the sentence is the word “believe.” Stop for a second and consider that. Article by seth godin. How Adventure Games Fare on Kickstarter - Cliqist. When it comes to adventure games I try to back as many as I possibly can on Kickstarter. Of course, there have been way too many over the past four years and change that I only managed to get on board about 134 of them, which includes “relaunches”. That’s almost half of my total projects to date. You can say I’m obsessed with this genre, and you’d probably be right. In this article I want to take a look at some statistics behind the trends that I’ve been seeing with these types of games and how they fare on getting crowdfunded.

First off, as I was taking stock of my backed list and comparing those that received funding and those that didn’t, I noticed that the ratio was pretty evenly split down the middle. Of them, 72 got funded and 62 failed to make even the base goal. That ended up making my success rate to be at about 53.5%, and those are just the ones that I backed. Here’s the thing. Whatever the future holds for adventure gaming on Kickstarter, I do know this. How Adventure Games Fare Post-Kickstarter - Cliqist. I’ve recently covered adventure games and how they fare on Kickstarter, but what about those that finally get released? I want to take a look at these projects and how they have done since release. There have been a number of crowdfunded games that have gone live, but not all of them do well.

I’ll be discussing both the successes, as well as the failures, in this genre. It’s important to note that adventure games are a niche genre. Not everybody enjoys story and logic puzzles as much as others. I’ve noticed that adventure games inspired by LucasArts titles have fared much better than those following a more Sierra On-Line approach. Even having a well-known name like Al Lowe or Jane Jensen doesn’t mean that the game will sell well. I’ve also noticed most adventure games are funded primarily through nostalgia. And that brings me to my next point. Out of all the adventure games that have been funded, only a handful have been released. Designing a World - Lessons Learned - Wadjet Eye Games. 3 February 2015 If there’s one thing we all know about adventure games, it’s that they depend heavily on characters, story, and an interesting location.

Ideally, they’re not just games, they’re new worlds to explore. So, how do you design one effectively? This is a lesson I’ve had to learn a lot about lately. In my previous games, the setting was always in the real world. I didn’t have to do a whole lot of work because the places were real: they had history I could draw upon and add my own elements to, but most of the hard bit was already done for me. With Shardlight, I’ve had to design a world from the ground up, which has proven to be more challenging than I could ever have expected. It’s easy enough to say “okay, this is a city and this is happening and there’s these types of people living here,” but sometimes that might not be enough to be convincing.

So long story short: figure out where your story takes place and write a little history for it. Let's talk Steam Spy - Wadjet Eye Games. 5 April 2015 Hi all. Dave here. It’s been awhile. We’ve been plugging away on Technobabylon and haven’t had a lot of time for blogging, but there’s been a new development recently that I Have Thoughts about. You might have heard about this new thing called “Steam Spy.” Everyone is lauding it as this Awesome Thing, but I have to be honest – I am super conflicted. So hello, Steam Spy. BUT, if this is the new normal, I will have learn to embrace it. Gemini Rue: 230,524 Blackwell Legacy: 118,446 Resonance: 47,760 Blackwell Deception: 68,138 Primordia: 57,949 Golden Wake: 15,920 Blackwell Unbound: 101,889 Shivah: 82,785 Blackwell Convergence: 98,705 Blackwell Epiphany: 7,005 (source HERE) There is some margin of error and not all of these numbers are accurate, but they are close enough.

Looking at that list by itself, it’s easy to make some assumptions. First of all, remember the age we live in. Anyway, the data is out there now. -Dave real casino. Female characters, marketing, and consistency of design - Wadjet Eye Games. 22 January 2015 Hi all! Dave here back with another edition of blog. Today I’m going to talk about something that’s not terribly current, but should always be relevant. Last summer, Ubisoft caused a bit of a kerfuffle when they announced that there wouldn’t be a female playable character in Assassin’s Creed: Unity’s co-op mode.

Their reasons? It was too much work and it wasn’t worth it. First of all, why is my opinion so important? In all honesty, I did not set out to create a female character. This game launched in 2006. Let’s shift gears a bit. Oh, and it was also the first game of ours to feature a serious-looking white male as the protagonist.

So what did this teach me? I admit this caused a bit of an existential crisis for awhile. So I went to the fans directly and asked the obvious question: “So why did you choose to play Gemini Rue instead of Blackwell?” The responses were… interesting to say the least. I just love cyberpunk! It was never about the gender of the protagonist. -Dave.