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Inventorsguide-TechnologyTransferProcess.pdf. Technology Transfer Office of University of Colorado. Wissensaustausch und Umgang mit geistigem Eigentum - Universität Heidelberg. Wissensaustausch als Kernaufgabe der Universität / Geistiges Eigentum Wege und Mindeststandards des Wissensaustauschs Besondere Formen des Wissensaustauschs 1 Kooperationen 2 Privilegierte Partnerschaften 3 Ausgründungen Anreize – Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten Wissensaustausch als Kernaufgabe der Universität / Geistiges Eigentum Ein Ziel von Forschung ist es, gewonnene Erkenntnisse aus der Wissenschaft zum Wohle aller für die gesamte Gesellschaft nutzbar zu machen.

Wissensaustausch und Umgang mit geistigem Eigentum - Universität Heidelberg

Dementsprechend zählt neben Forschung und Lehre der Austausch von Wissen zu den gesetzlich verankerten Kernaufgaben der Universität (§ 2 Abs. 4 LHG). Unter den Begriff des Wissensaustauschs wird zum einen die Weitergabe und Erörterung von Wissen und Erkenntnissen unter Wissenschaftlern gefasst, zum anderen aber auch der Austausch und die Eröffnung von Wissen gegenüber anderen Partnern aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Der Wissensaustausch unterliegt bestimmten Regeln, die nachstehend niedergelegt sind. University Initiative. In today’s highly globalized knowledge driven economy, the innovation capacity of a nation is a critical indicator of its present and future economic health.

University Initiative

Innovation is therefore seen as a sine qua non for national development. As such, governments and industries are investing heavily in research and development (R&D) activities so as to increase their innovation capacity and hence national competitiveness. As one of the primary sources of generation of new technologies (inventions), universities and R&D institutions (hereinafter referred to as “universities”) increasingly play a crucial role in the process of technological innovation, technology transfer and commercialization of intellectual property (IP) arising from research activities, which ultimately contribute to national economic, social and cultural development.

IPR-ICT Report Cover.qxd - iprmanagementguidelines-report.pdf. Good Practice Guide - Good Practice Guide web (FINAL 20.06).pdf. Intellectual asset management for universities - ipasset-management guide.pdf. New guide for Universities to manage Intellectual Property. Universities can now access a new tool to help develop and manage their intellectual assets.

New guide for Universities to manage Intellectual Property

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has today (19 May) launched a strategy guide called 'Intellectual Asset Management for Universities (1.78Mb)'. The new guide provides advice and information to universities to help them understand how they can best use their institution's Intellectual Property. This can be an invention, trade mark, original design or the application of a good idea. Income generated through the commercial use of Intellectual Property rights can be worth millions of pounds.

Abteilung 1 - Forschungsförderung und Technologietransfer - IPR-Policy. Evaluating and Patenting Inventions — Office of Research. UC Davis InnovationAccess licenses UC Davis technologies to transfer research to the market through our commercial partner for public benefit.

Evaluating and Patenting Inventions — Office of Research

Once You Disclose We look at a number of factors during the technology assessment process including: Inventorship Each inventor must make an intellectual contribution to at least one patent claim. Thus, persons who qualify as co-authors on a publication or public presentation, but served only to perform the directives of the true inventor(s), are not considered inventors. Ownership/Joint Patents If inventors come from different institutions, the patent is jointly owned.

IP in start-up

University as shareholder. Patent Baristas » What’s A Reasonable Royalty Rate? Among the most frequently asked questions I get from start-up companies is: How much should I pay for licensing in a technology?

Patent Baristas » What’s A Reasonable Royalty Rate?

Answer: As little as possible. Kidding aside, this is really a very complicated question that cannot be answered without a lot of homework. While most companies seem to use a valuation method I like to call “pulling a number out of the air,” there are three primary methods used by licensing professionals to assess the value of IP assets. These are the Cost Method, Market Method and Income Method. With all of these methods, good data and data projection are critical in determining the appropriate numbers.

In the Cost Method, the value is the cost incurred in developing or purchasing the relevant technology or intellectual property. In the Market Method, the method for determining value is to learn what comparable technologies have licensed for recently. The short answer is “Yes” but I find such royalty rate sources particularly unhelpful. Policy Uni Leipzig.


Southern Illinois: An Overview. Note: The following is an introduction to patents, copyrights, and technology transfer at SIU Carbondale.All faculty and staff should familiarize themselves with the university's Intellectual Property Policy, which is the legal document governing these issues at SIU Carbondale.

Southern Illinois: An Overview

What IP/tech transfer services does the university provide? SIU Carbondale's Technology Transfer Office (TTO) works with SIU Carbondale faculty and staff to protect their intellectual property and to transfer new technologies to the marketplace. The TTO can assist you in many ways. Our services include: What is intellectual property? Intellectual property refers to certain tangible and intangible products of University research and other activities—principally copyrightable works and patentable ideas or products. Patentable works include, but are not limited to, inventions/ products, processes, discoveries, materials, plant varieties, and sometimes computer software.


MLU. Max Planck Erfinderleitfaden. Zeitschrift für Hochschulrecht, Hochschulmanagement und Hochschulpolitik: zfhr, Volume 8, Number 3. CPT page on Royalties on patents for health care inventions. Setting Values and Royalty Rates for Medical and Life Science Businesses. By Howard G.

Setting Values and Royalty Rates for Medical and Life Science Businesses

Zaharoff Updated June 2012 A version of this article appeared in The Journal of Biolaw and Business, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2004 Abstract.