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Skiffle. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


Jug band des Cannon's Jug Stompers. Le skiffle est un genre de musique folklorique, d'influence jazz, country et blues. Il a pour particularité d'incorporer des instruments bricolés à partir d'accessoires domestiques : planche à laver (washboard) faisant office de batterie, basse à une corde faisant résonner une caisse à thé (tea-chest bass ou un baquet à lessive, kazoos, violons taillés dans des boîtes à cigares, peignes frottant contre du papier... La base harmonique utilise des instruments traditionnels (guitares, banjos, mandolines, pianos)[1]. Le skiffle eut son heure de gloire au Royaume-Uni à la fin des années 1950, où c'était un genre très populaire. Skiffle. Skiffle is a type of popular music with jazz, blues, folk, and roots influences, usually using homemade or improvised instruments.


Originating as a term in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century, it became popular again in the UK in the 1950s, where it was mainly associated with musician Lonnie Donegan and played a major part in beginning the careers of later eminent jazz, pop, blues, folk and rock musicians. American skiffle[edit] The origins of skiffle are obscure but are generally thought to lie in African-American musical culture in the early twentieth century.

Skiffle is often said to have developed from New Orleans jazz, but this claim has been disputed.[1] Improvised jug bands playing blues and jazz were common across the American South in the early decades of the twentieth century, even if the term skiffle was not used to describe them.[2] The first use of the term on record was in 1925 in the name of Jimmy O'Bryant and his Chicago Skifflers. ROCK ISLAND LINE - Lonnie Donegan and his Skiffle Group - 1954. Lonnie Donegan. King of Skiffle. VIPERS SKIFFLE GROUP - 'Don't You Rock Me Daddy-o' - 78rpm 1957. Explore: Skiffle.