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Montez votre site dans le cloud avec Google App Engine. Google App Engine. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Google App Engine est une plateforme de conception et d'hébergement d'applications web basée sur les serveurs de Google. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] La première version de ce service (appelée 'beta'), est sortie en avril 2008, avec la possibilité d'enregistrer uniquement des comptes gratuits[1]. L'offre de cette première version propose 500Mo de stockage persistant, et suffisamment de bande passante et de capacités de calcul pour servir 5 millions de pages par mois. Depuis, de nombreuses fonctionnalités sont venues étayer l'offre de ce service ainsi que des outils facilitant le développement et la gestion des applications.

Avril 2008 : Mai 2008 : L'outil Google App Engine Launcher est disponible sur MacOS.Ajout des APIs Image Manipulation et MemCache.Les inscriptions au service sont désormais ouvertes au public. Juillet 2008 : Possibilité d’héberger jusqu’à 10 applications au lieu de 3.Possibilité d’exporter les logs. Décembre 2008 : Introduction à Google App Engine. Google App Engine permet d'exécuter vos applications web sur l'infrastructure de Google. Les applications App Engine sont faciles à construire, faciles à maintenir, et supportent facilement la montée en charge de votre trafic et de vos besoins croissants de stockage de données. Avec App Engine, il n'y a pas de serveurs à maintenir: Vous chargez juste vos applications, et elles sont aussitôt disponibles pour vos utilisateurs.

Vous pouvez mettre à disposition vos applications depuis votre propre nom de domaine (tel que en utilisant Google Apps. Ou, vous pouvez utiliser directement le nom qui vous est fourni sur le domaine Vous pouvez partager votre application avec le monde, ou limiter l'accés aux membres de votre organisation. Google App Engine supporte les applications écrites dans plusieurs langages de programmation. Avec App Engine, vous payez seulement pour ce que vous utilisez. App Engine ne coûte rien pour démarrer. II.1. II.2. II.3. II.4. App Engine - Google Developers Academy. Learn How To Make Web Apps With HTML5 And App Engine. GAE App : Neural Network for Breast Cancer Data built on Google App Engine. - Google Science Fair. Develop in the cloud with eXo’s Cloud IDE.

Today’s post comes from Mark Downey of eXo, creator of Cloud IDE. Cloud IDE is an online IDE for Java, Python, PHP, Ruby or Javascript, and for nearly two years it has been used by developers to build applications for a number of PaaS environments. They recently added support for deploying code to Google App Engine. Since eXo started the Cloud IDE project back in 2010, our objective has been to make developers more productive in building and deploying cloud-based apps. We’ve made it easy to import, build and debug code from Github and to deploy it to a PaaS. We have tried to make the development workflow as painless as possible by providing a smooth integration with popular Cloud services from source control to application hosting, and now we’re bringing that integration to the Google App Engine world.Developers can now use Cloud IDE to build, debug and deploy App Engine apps without having to install and configure the App Engine SDK or any traditional desktop IDE.

Drive SDK. Search Overview (Python) - Google App Engine. The Search API provides a model for indexing documents that contain structured data. You can search an index, and organize and present search results. The API supports partial text matching on string fields. Documents and indexes are saved in a separate persistent store optimized for search operations. The Search API can index any number of documents. Note: The Search API is available only to applications using the High Replication Datastore (HRD). Overview The Search API is based on four main concepts: documents, indexes, queries, and results. Documents A document is an object with a unique ID and a list of fields containing user data.

The maximum size of a document is 1 MB. Indexes An index stores documents for retrieval. There is no limit to the number of documents in an index, or the number of indexes you can use. Queries To search an index, you construct a query, which has a query string, and possibly some additional options."rose water")"1776-07-04") Newest 'google-app-engine' Questions. Tech Blog » Develop and deploy Applications using Google App Engine : Tutorial. About two years back Google launched a platform that enabled developers to develop and host web applications in Google’s web server. Though Google has offered many APIs for the ease of the programmers, many are reluctant to release their apps in Google’s web sphere. Recently I was talking to a web developer about this and he told me that the interface offered by Google is some what obscure.

Well, that is not true. All you need to is to comprehend the way in which the platform works, then you can easily develop applications using this. This edition of techblog carries a tutorial which will show you how to develop and deploy their applications in Google’s servers. Since my usual ID is already registered with the service, I will use another google email id to show you the procedures. First of all you need to visit the app engine site and sign in using your email id and password. Click on the button. Google will now send you an ‘Authentication Code’ to your mobile via an SMS. X= “Some text” Modeling relationships in App Engine. Posted by Nick Johnson | Filed under python, app-engine, datastore, relational-modelling One source of difficulty for people who are used to relational databases - and certain ORMs in particular - is how to handle references and relationships on App Engine.

There's two basic questions here: First, what does a relationship entail, in any database system? And second, how do we use them in App Engine? The nature of relationships Many ORMs expose multiple 'types' of relationships as first-class entities - one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. This obscures the fact that, in reality, they are all built on the same building block, that of references. A reference is simply a field of an entity that contains the key of another entity - for example, if a Pet references an Owner, that simply means the Pet has a field that contains the key of its owner. All relationship types simply devolve to references. Many-to-many relationships are the most complicated, but still fairly simple. One to many. Using Google App Engine to Extend Yahoo! Pipes | java rants. Update: A commenter pointed out that you can from django.utils import simplejson instead of including it.

Makes this even easier. Yahoo! Pipes has always been a great tool for manipulating data but often you have to go to great contortions to get it to do what you want because of its very simple data flow programming model. Google’s App Engine opens up the possibility of extending Yahoo! With the launch of Google App Engine there is now a very simple way to get code up on the internet quickly in order to include arbitrary processing in the interior of your Pipes.

To demonstrate how this works, let’s first build a very simple web service that simply mirrors the data that it receives from Pipes. First create a new application directory: mkdir pipes-mirror cd pipes-mirror Now create an application descriptor called app.yaml: application: javarants version: 1 runtime: python api_version: 1 handlers: - url: /.* script: Now we need to process the data coming from pipes. update . Blog » How to create a simple but powerful CDN with Google App Engine (GAE) The main purpose when I started to look at Google App Engine (3 days ago) was to use it as a “CDN for the rest of us”, a way to cache static content (initially) and have this content distributed along all the infrastructure of Google (maybe the most powerful cloud rigth now) What we want? : Create a CDN easy to update and free of charge for static resources (images, css, js)Consume as less bandwidth as possible leveraging the If-Modified-Since/Last-Modified/304 Not Modified model Hands-on: The first approach, of course, was to look on Google for some help, the post of Andreas Krohn helped a lot to start.

But I want to go further and take care of modern browsers If-Modified-Since requests, then the google framework and a little of Python comes to the rescue. Note: I’m assuming you’ve already installed the Python environment and the Google App Engine SDK First of all let me give you two little .bat files that are useful: Start the test webserver (test.bat) c:\ipsojobscloud. Google App Engine Gets Some Needed Upgrades - ReadWriteCloud. Google App Engine has received some needed upgrades to its service that customers have been asking for over the past several months.

The issues came to a head last week after a developer posted 13 reasons why he and his group decided to drop Google Apps. Some questioned the developer's execution but overall many of the issues have also been noted in the Google Apps discussion boards. Customers have been asking for such things as an increase in the amount of data that can be uploaded in a URL Fetch and an increase in the 30 second limits to upload data. In conversations yesterday, the Google App Engine team said the URL Fetch has been increased from one megabyte to 30 megabytes of data.

Detailed infrastructure upgrades have been needed to make the upgrades. Added Features Google has also added new features for the platform. Road Map Over the next few months, Google will add MapReduce to Google App Engine. Here's a list of what's to come: Google App Engine needed these improvements.

Google App Engine for Java, Part 1: Rev it up! Google App Engine for Java, Part 2: Building the killer app. In Part 1 of this introduction to building scalable Java applications with App Engine for Java, you learned about the Eclipse tooling and infrastructure of Google's cloud computing platform (or PAAS) for Java developers. Examples in that article were pre-fab, so that you could concentrate on App Engine for Java's integration with Eclipse and quickly practice building and deploying different types of apps — namely one built using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and a servlet-based application.

This article builds on that foundation and also prepares you for more advanced programming exercises in Part 3 of this article. The contact-management application you'll build allows a user to store basic contact information such as name, e-mail address, and telephone number. To create this application, you'll use the Eclipse GWT project-creation wizard. From CRUD to contact For this exercise, you'll start with a simple CRUD application and later add real storage. Listing 1. Listing 2. Listing 3. Figure 1. Google App Engine for Java: Part 3: Persistence and relationships.

App Engine for Java seeks to take the worry out of writing a persistence layer for scalable Web applications, but how well does it achieve that aim? In this article, I conclude my introduction to App Engine for Java with an overview of its persistence framework, which is based on Java Data Objects (JDO) and Java Persistence API (JPA). While initially promising, App Engine's Java-based persistence currently has some serious drawbacks, which I explain and demonstrate. You'll learn how App Engine for Java persistence works, what the challenges are, and also what persistence options you have when working with Google's cloud platform for Java developers.

As you read the article and work through the examples, you'll want to keep in mind the fact that the App Engine for Java is currently a preview release. While the Java-based persistence may not be all that you could hope for, or need, at present, that could and should change in the future. Nuts and bolts, and leaky abstractions Listing 1. Google App Engine - 6 - Une application GAE avec mon nom de domaine - public Blog<Benwit> monblog;