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Doom3 Source Code Review: Introduction. June 8, 2012 On November 23, 2011 id Software maintained the tradition and released the source code of their previous engine. This time is was the turn of idTech4 which powered Prey, Quake 4 and of course Doom 3. Within hours the GitHub repository was forked more than 400 times and people started to look at the game internal mechanisms/port the engine on other platforms. I also jumped on it and promptly completed the Mac OS X Intel version which John Carmack kindly advertised. In terms of clarity and comments this is the best code release from id Software after Doom iPhone codebase (which is more recent and hence better commented). I highly recommend everybody to read, build and experiment with it. Here are my notes regarding what I understood. Part 1: Overview Part 2: Dmap Part 3: Renderer Part 4: Profiling Part 5: Scripting Part 6: Interviews (including Q&A with John Carmack) From notes to articles...

Background First contact Download the code. Architecture When Doom3.exe starts up it: . Duke Nukem 3D Code Review. It turned out to be a difficult experience: The engine delivered great value and ranked high in terms of speed, stability and memory consumption but my enthousiasm met a source code controversial in terms of organization, best practices and comments/documentation. This reading session taught me a lot about code legacy and what helps a software live long. As usual I cleaned up my notes into an article. I hope it will inspire some of us to read more source code and become better engineers. I would like to thanks Ken Silverman for proof-reading this article: His patience and diligent replies to my emails were instrumental.

Genesis Duke Nukem 3D is not one codebase but two : Build engine: Providing rendition, network, filesystem and caching services.Game Module: Using Build's services in order to generate a gaming experience. Why such a division? Silverman would write a new engine for 3D Realms but he would keep the source code. First contact Building Immersion Now the game is running.

None. Quake 3 Source Code Review: Architecture. June 30, 2012 Since I had one week before my next contract I decided to finish my "cycle of id". After Doom, Doom Iphone, Quake1, Quake2, Wolfenstein iPhone and Doom3 I decided to read the last codebase I did not review yet: idTech3 the 3D engine that powers Quake III and Quake Live. The engine is mostly an evolution of idTech2 but there are some interesting novelties. The key points can be summarized as follow: Part 2 : New dualcore renderer with material based shaders (built over OpenGL Fixed Pipeline). I was particularly impressed by : The virtual machines system and the associated toolchain that altogether account for 30% of the code released. As usual I wrote numerous notes that I have cleaned up and synthesized into drawings. Edit : Thanks for the support :) ! First contact Since the venerable was recently decommissioned the code can be found on id Software's GitHub account: git clone Architecture The code Statistics.

Analyse du code source de 3 grands jeux. Analyse du code source de 3 grands jeux Si vous vous intéressez un peu au développement de jeux vidéos, foncez sur le blog de Fabien Sanglard qui a décortiqué pour le plus grand plaisir de tous les codeurs, le code source de 3 hits du jeu vidéo : De l'architecture du code, au moteur de rendu graphique, en passant par l'intelligence artificielle et j'en passe, tout y est minutieusement décortiqué et expliqué de manière très claire et simplifiée (même si c'est en anglais).

Bref, ça vaut le coup d'y jeter un œil. Le mec est bon et ses explications passionnantes pour autant qu'on s'intéresse au sujet. Enjoy ! Source Vous avez aimé cet article ? Game Developer Magazine. RockYou's new strategy: Rescue games that other publishers don't want RockYou is taking over Digital Chocolate and Playdom titles in two separate deals that bring 3 to 4 million players -- and some of the games' developers -- into its direct purview. Video: Breaking down the seven-year development of Antichamber Indie developer Alexander Bruce shares what his development philosophy and what he learned in a postmortem discussion of the development of Antichamber given at GDC 2014. 'What's the best game dev educational resource you've ever used?

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Building a Game Loop in iPhone and iPad Game Development A game loop gets your code to update the game world on your iPhone or iPad many times a second — fast enough to make it look like fluid motion to the player. To do this, you need to update the position of all your views every time the screen is redrawn by iOS. To be notified of when this happens, you need to use a CADisplayLink class.

To set up a CADisplayLink. When your view loads, you receive the update: message many times a second, which is your opportunity to update the game world. Setting Up a Nib for your iPhone or iPad Nib files end in .xib and are used in Interface Builder to construct the screens of your game application for your iPhone or iPad. To set up the outlet variable, follow these steps: Video game development. Video game development is the process of creating a video game.

Development is undertaken by a game developer, which may range from a single person to a large business. Traditional commercial PC and console games are normally funded by a publisher and take several years to develop. Indie games can take less time and can be produced cheaply by individuals and small developers. The indie game industry has seen a rise in recent years with the growth of new online distribution systems and the mobile game market. The first video games were developed in the 1960s, but required mainframe computers and were not available to the general public. Mainstream PC and console games are generally developed in phases. Mobile games are, in general, much quicker to develop than the mainstream PC and console games. Overview[edit] Game development is the software development process by which a video game is produced. All but the smallest developer companies work on several titles at once. History[edit]

Technical & Technological blog (Game Dev Lab Epitech) How to configure a Visual Studio 2008 Project for CUDA 3.2 ? Follow those instructions. /! \ Tested with Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition SP1 and Visual Studio C++ Express 2008 /! \ Prerequierd : - Download and install Visual Studio 2008 - Download and install devdriver_3 - Download and install cudatoolkit 3.2 Create a new Empty Project : - File -> New -> Project… - Visual C++ -> General -> Empty Project - Name your project (for exemple MyFirstCUDAProject) Add rules : - Right clic on the project - Choose the rule “CUDA Runtime Api Build Rule (v3.2)” (if you have more than once, choose the rule where the Path finish by “NvCudaRuntimeApi.v3.2.rules”) Add binary, include and library directoties : - Tools -> Options -> Project and Solutions -> VC++ Directories - For Platform “Win32 and “Include files” add : - $(CUDA_PATH)include - For Platform “Win32 and “Library files” add : - $(CUDA_PATH)lib\Win32 - For Platform “Win32 and “Binary files” add : - $(CUDA_PATH)bin Linker : - cuda.lib cudart.lib - Press F5.