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SEO audits

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What do you use for site audit. 10-Minute Missing Page Audit. Some of you know that I spend a lot of time behind the scenes here on Pro Q&A.

10-Minute Missing Page Audit

One of the challenges of Q&A is that we often have to tackle complex problems in a very short amount of time – we might have 10-15 minutes to solve an issue like "Why isn't my page showing up on Google? " with no access to internal data, server-side code, etc. Of course, I'd never suggest you try to solve your own SEO problems in just 10 minutes, but it's amazing what you can do when you're forced to really make your time count. I'd like to share my 10-minute (give or take) process for solving one common SEO problem – finding a "missing" page. You can actually apply it to a number of problems, including: Finding out why a page isn't getting indexed Discovering why a page isn't ranking Determining if a page has been penalized Spotting duplicate content problems I'll break the 10 minutes down, minute by minute (give or take). 0:00-0:30 – Confirm the site is indexed 0:30-1:00 – Confirm the page is not indexed.

Technical Site Audit Checklist. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Technical Site Audit Checklist

We all want to deliver actionable site audits, but doing the research can be a bit overwhelming if you don’t have a process in place to systematically go through a site. I have created a site audit checklist that will walk you through how to do a site audit. This will work for most sites - in many cases you will need to customize the checklist a bit as some aspects won't be relevant or are unable to be changed. Make sure to look at really important pages (high priority landing pages, pages with a lot of links, pages flagged by crawl tools, or pages that the client has specifically asked for help with) in addition to the template pages. At the end of your audit, don’t write a document that says what’s wrong with the website. Quick Overview Check indexed pages Search for the brand and branded terms Check Google’s cache for key pages Is the content showing up? How to Perform the World's Greatest SEO Audit.

The author's views are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Now that tax season is over, it's once again safe to say my favorite A-word... audit! That's right. My name is Steve, and I'm an SEO audit junkie. Like any good junkie, I've read every audit-related article; I've written thousands of lines of audit-related code, and I've performed audits for friends, clients, and pretty much everyone else I know with a website.

All of this research and experience has helped me create an insanely thorough SEO audit process. This is designed to be a comprehensive guide for performing a technical SEO audit. SEO Audit Preparation When performing an audit, most people want to dive right into the analysis. A thorough audit requires at least a little planning to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Crawl Before You Walk Before we can diagnose problems with the site, we have to know exactly what we're dealing with. Crawling Tools. Site Audits: Deliverables, Follow Up, and Implementation. You could be the best SEO in the world, with the best recommendations your clients ever seen; but if this information isn’t presented and communicated in the right way, the sad fact is that your hard work probably won’t change a thing.

Site Audits: Deliverables, Follow Up, and Implementation

A couple of weeks back, Dan and I ran a very enjoyable Mozinar on this very topic. (A huge thank you to everyone who listened in!) If you did miss it, feel free to check out the recording and download the slides here. Rather than talking through the ins and outs of technical SEO, we really wanted to dive into what, in our experience, makes the difference between a site audit being left on the shelf, compared to a document that can potentially turn a business around.

On the back end of the Mozinar, we had a ton of great questions. Although this post is about the follow-up process, I also want to spend some time touching on other areas that have a direct influence on that part of the project. Sales kick-off and briefing Kick-off and briefing Deliverables.