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7 Top Needs of a Wife. In my years of counseling and ministering to married couples, mostly in distress, I have learned some principles that run fairly consistent within each marriage. There are some common needs most men and women bring to a marriage in order to make the marriage the best it can be. I have found that we really not that different from each other. We may label these differently; even put them in different categories, but the needs themselves remain relatively similar from marriage to marriage. Over the years I’ve kept notes and in these posts I’ll share with you my findings, which I have shared in marriage retreats for years. I’ll be with the “ladies first” principle, so here are the greatest needs of a wife (in my opinion).

Love Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Attention Wives want to be listened to (instead of the TV) and know that we believe what they have to say is important. Protection Security/Commitment Compassion. It's Not Nice Not to Be Nice | life, scrabble, and the pursuit of happiness. Creative Kristi. Coal Creek Farm.

Michael Hyatt | Intentional Leadership. My life as a transplanted Yankee. Smiles House. HORSESHOE BEND 2. JUST ME. That Kentucky Girl. A Private Beginning. My New Beginnings. WHAT'S NEW AT MY HOUSE. Life in a Small Town. Life 'N Stuff. What comes next? The Mellow Pages.