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We are India’s leading Testing Solutions, Infrastructure, and Man power provider company helping Government, Corporate and Academic Institutions in providing the Infrastructure and Platform to conduct Online/Offline Examinations followed by training cum placement solutions to Candidates.

Book Infra. How BookInfra evaluates a test center? Setting up an exam center looks easy.

How BookInfra evaluates a test center?

You just need to find a location, purchase good equipment, set up basic amenities, and have a fully functioning test center. Due to this easy setup process, many entrepreneurs start their exam centers without thinking about the feasibility, business potential, or students’ safety. That’s why platforms like BookInfra have to be careful when adding an exam center to their Portal. Because adding an in-comparable exam center not only hampers the exam experience, but it also brings safety concerns for the students.

However, these can be easily avoided by adding an evaluation process in the middle of exam venue registration. Top 5 Advantages of Paperless Audit in the Exam Centers. An examination is a vital part of any educational process.

Top 5 Advantages of Paperless Audit in the Exam Centers

And exam conducting bodies always try to take various measures to ensure that the exams conducted are fair and smooth. To do that, every minute details of the exam centre have to be examined and documented. With the innovative and increasing use of technology in the examination industry, exam venue auditing systems are also changing. How to Start Your Own Exam Center With Bookinfra? India is a fast-growing country.

How to Start Your Own Exam Center With Bookinfra?

And with it’s growing population, the demand for education and examination is increasing day by day. India already had 37.4 million students enrolled in FY19. And with the ever-growing population, this number is expected to increase. Another statistic shows that, amid the pandemic, almost 15 lakh students have taken the NEET exam going to an exam centre.

These statistics clearly show that the needs of examinations are not going to go away soon, and our country needs more good exam centres to conduct different exams safely. Guidelines for Sanitizing Exam Centers Amid the Pandemic. As much as we want to take education online, the offline examination will not go anywhere soon, at least not until we can invent some robust technology to conduct fully secure online examinations.

Guidelines for Sanitizing Exam Centers Amid the Pandemic

Till then, we have to give the essential examinations like entrance exams, recruitment examinations, or board examinations by going to exam centres. Keeping the current scenario of COVID-19 in mind, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has released a comprehensive list of measures that must be taken by the exam centre authorities to ensure the safety of the candidates, as well as anyone associated with the examination. 6 Things to Remember Before Setting Up an Exam Center? Setting an exam venue is one of the critical aspects of starting a profitable exam venue business.

6 Things to Remember Before Setting Up an Exam Center?

With the increasing student population in our country, the need for assessment exams and exam centers’ demand is increasing day by day. Entrepreneurs are trying to grab this opportunity by setting up high-tech exam centers across India. But setting up a thriving exam center is not a piece of cake. 5 reasons you consider partnering with an exam venue booking portal? The education industry in India is expanding rapidly.

5 reasons you consider partnering with an exam venue booking portal?

It is not limited to four walls of a classroom and a blackboard anymore. With the technological advancements in recent years, educational institutes are using technology to conduct admission, teaching and even examinations online. Despite this technological advancement in the education industry, the examination industry is still disorganized. The parent company has to contact the testing agencies manually. And the testing agencies then conduct the examination from their own exam venues, or they will contact a third-party vendor to find exam venues for them. The process is exhausting and filled with a lot of errors, miscommunications and malpractices. In case you too are fed up with the current examination system, don’t worry! You are not alone. But with the changing time, things are changing. Do’s and don’ts for the Exam Day. Students find exams stressful these…

The exam day carries a special importance in the student’s life.

Do’s and don’ts for the Exam Day. Students find exams stressful these…

Students prepare for exams for the whole year. They attempt various exams during the year. Unit tests, surprise tests, pre boards, mock exams and many more. But there is unexplainable stress and excitement of the exam day. We know students find exams stressful these days. Some students study for the whole year but fail in exams or get low grades. We at BookInfra have prepared a basic list of Do’s and Don’ts for a student to follow on an exam day. Students must remember this basic list apart from formulae and concepts. Be on time: Don’t be late for your exams. Bring everything: Because of exam stress you may miss something important for an exam. Get the Basics Right: Fill the correct information about your name, seat no, etc on the answer sheet. Read before write: